DCS World single-player dynamic campaign.
Uses pydcs for mission generation.
- Download and install Python 3.6.0 package from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-360/ (look at the bottom under Files; any option will do if it matches your architecture) with default set of options (you need to have Install launcher for all users (recommended) checked)
- Download archived release (https://github.com/shdwp/dcs_liberation/releases; not source code zip, file should be named dcs_liberation_xx.zip)
- Unzip the archive somewhere. Path does not matter. Application will not work if you start it without extracting
- Run start.bat
- If "Windows protected your PC" popup appears on your computer (windows blocks any application unknown to it), you can click on "More info" and "Run anyway"
You should start with the manual, it covers everything you need to know before playing the campaign.
If you can't find the strike objective you can see here how it's supposed to look.
You could also briefly check the troubleshooting page to get familiar with the known issues that you could probably fix by yourself.
Modding tutorial will cover how to change default loadouts, configure which planes are present in the campaign (or add new altogether) and more. Check this out if you find that something is not going for your liking, there could be a tutorial for changing that. Although be aware that it would require changing source files and could easily result in non functioning application.
If you want to contribute to the project, this will give you a brief overview and on how to actually run it from source files.