My resume app was built to offer some insight into the progress I have made as a developer since graduation, as well as an easy and seamless way to review my resume. I have put extended effort into improving my CSS skills, and gotten more practice with some of my back end development abilities. Enjoy!
Built using the following technologies:
Ruby on Rails Javascript React.js CSS HTML ActiveRecord ReactPlayer
Ruby version : 2.6.5
Authored by: Peter Stevens
Built With: -React.js -Ruby on Rails -PostgreSQL 12
Getting Started: The setup steps expect the following tools/versions:
Ruby 2.6.5 Rails PostgreSQL 12 Checkout the repository git clone Create and setup the database bundle exec rake db:setup" Run the test suite bundle exec rspec Start the Rails server and webpack-dev-server bundle exec rails s yarn run start The application can be accessed via http://localhost:3000