This is an open source web-based software solution to manage school information, this are the main features.
- Storage of grades
- Elections
- Generation of reports
It uses MySQL as database and MEAN stack where the M stands for MySQL.
You can download a blank PDF with that data
Depending on your profile level, you can set up a survey with a start and due date
Admins only create or modify data from other users.
There is a few steps you must do to deploy this app.
- First of all you must have installed Angular CLI, NodeJS and MySQL in your machine.
- In your local MySQL run the database.sql, departamentos.sql, municipios.sql (in that order) scripts stored in server/sql
- Open one terminal in server and run
npm run launch
- Open another terminal in client and run
ng serve
- From the browser go to localhost:4200 and that's it.