History of Drosophila Genetics
The fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster has made fundamental contributions to biology for more than 100 years. To place some of the significant events in the history of Drosophila genetics into context, this project aims to put these events into a web-based timeline. For a preview of the timeline while it is still a work-in-progress, click here.
This timeline is being developed by Casey Bergman at the University of Manchester, using the Timeline-Setter package developed by ProPublica.
To regenerate the timeline.html timeline from the DrosophilaTimeline.csv file, install Timeline-Setter as follows:
wget -O timeline-setter-master.zip https://github.com/propublica/timeline-setter/archive/master.zip
unzip timeline-setter-master.zip
cd timeline-setter-master
sudo gem install timeline_setter
Then from the directory containing DrosophilaTimeline.csv, run
timeline-setter -c DrosophilaTimeline.csv
- raw timeline.html is not rendered at github, need to prefix raw html with http://htmlpreview.github.io
- URLs for images inn html slug need to point directly to raw github URL