This is my portfolio of data projects I've done to practice existing skills and teach myself new ones.
I originally studied Natural Resource Management and worked for 5 years as a researcher on sustainability and climate change in both academica and non-profits.
I became interested in programming shortly after finishing my M.Sc. and started diving more into the use of tools such as Python and SQL for data analysis.
I'm now working on fully transitioning my career to data analysis and data engineering. Here you can see some of the projects I'm working on to build my skillset and show what I'm capable of.
I've made this guide so others can easily navigate to different projects within my portfolio.
It also categorizes my projects based on subject area, data analysis processes undertaken and tools/libraries used.
I will regularly update this guide as I keep learning and working on projects.
Project Link | Completed / Ongoing | Tools & Libraries | Subject Area | Data Analysis Processes | Description | Last Updated |
Northwind Traders: Business Questions with SQL | Completed | PostgreSQL | Sales, customer behavior, inventory management | Exploration, Wrangling, Transformation, Database Management | A SQL script answering business questions from the Northwind Traders database, a database of customer, order, product and employee data for a wholesale gourmet food company called Northwind Traders | |
Telcom Customer Churn | Completed | Microsoft Excel | Sales & Customer behavior | Exploration, Transformation, Aggregation, Visualization, Statistical Analysis | Excel report identifying factors that contribute to customer churn for a telecom company | |
Best Advertising Markets for an E-Learning App | Completed | Python (pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn), Jupyter Lab | Marketing | Exploration, Wrangling, Transformation, Visualization | Python data exploration to find the two best markets for advertising for an e-learning platform | |
Company GHG Emissions Time Series Construction | Completed | Python (pandas, numpy, matplotlib, scipy) | Environment & Sustainability | Cleaning, Wrangling, Aggregation, Integration, Time Series Analysis, Visualization | Python script to construct emissions pathways based on company emissions data | |
City GHG Emissions Factsheets | Completed | Python (pandas, numpy) | Environment & Sustainability | Cleaning, Wrangling, Integration, Aggregation | Python file that imports reported emissions data from cities and countries from a multitude of sources, cleans and collates all data into exportable Excel "factsheets" by city/country |