A port clojure/tools.reader library to ClojureCLR.
From the parent's README:
A complete Clojure reader and an EDN-only reader, ...
See the parent repo for documentation.
Latest stable release: 1.5.0
clj dependency information:
io.github.clojure/clr.tools.reader {:git/tag "v1.5.0" :git/sha "46ce896"}
Nuget reference:
PM> Install-Package clojure.tools.reader -Version 1.5.0
Leiningen dependency information:
[org.clojure.clr/tools.reader "1.5.0"]
If using lein-clr to work on this, specifically, to run tests, be aware that the structure of the tests in this project does not conform to the leiningen standard.
There is a file common_tests.clj that is loaded by several other test files
(Speaking to the notion that an include-file should be added for when load is not appropriate, as here).
The leiningen test framework will load common_tests.clj and fail.
You need to run each top-level file directly. For example,
lein.bat clr test clojure.tools.metadata-test clojure.tools.reader-test clojure.tools.reader-edn-test
Original Clojure(JVM) code:
Copyright © Nicola Mometto, Rich Hickey & contributors.
Licensed under the EPL. (See the file epl.html.))