Visual FA a Unicode enabled DFA regular expression engine
There's a series of articles on it starting here:
Portions of this code in the file FA.cs and FA.ToString.cs were derived from code created by other authors, and similarly licensed under MIT
- Fare, Copyright (C) 2013 Nikos Baxevanis itself ported from
- dk.brics.automaton, Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Anders Moeller
- nfa2regex, Copyright (c) 2021 David Wolever
The two executables in the root folder are necessary for the build process. They are safe decompilable .NET assemblies
CSBrick -
DSlang -
Microsoft Regex "Lexer": [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 33ms
Microsoft Regex compiled "Lexer": [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 20ms
FAStringRunner (proto): [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 7ms
FATextReaderRunner: (proto) [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 12ms
FAStringDfaTableRunner: [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 10ms
FATextReaderDfaTableRunner: [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 14ms
FAStringStateRunner (NFA): [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 144ms
FAStringStateRunner (Compact NFA): [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 42ms
FATextReaderStateRunner (Compact NFA): [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 47ms
FAStringStateRunner (DFA): [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 11ms
FATextReaderStateRunner (DFA): [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 15ms
FAStringRunner (Compiled): [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 7ms
FATextReaderRunner (Compiled): [■■■■■■■■■■] 100% Found 220000 matches in 12ms
partial class Tokenizers
[FARule(@"\/\*", Symbol = "commentBlock", BlockEnd = @"\*\/")]
[FARule(@"\/\/[^\n]*", Symbol = "lineComment")]
[FARule(@"[ \t\r\n]+", Symbol = "whiteSpace")]
[FARule(@"[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*", Symbol = "identifier")]
[FARule(@"(0|([1-9][0-9]*))((\.[0-9]+[Ee]\-?[1-9][0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)", Symbol = "number")]
[FARule(@"\+", Symbol = "plus")]
[FARule(@"\-", Symbol = "minus")]
[FARule(@"\*", Symbol = "multiply")]
[FARule(@"\/", Symbol = "divide")]
[FARule(@"%", Symbol = "modulo")]
//internal static partial FATextReaderRunner CalcTextReaderRunner(TextReader text);
internal static partial FAStringRunner CalcStringRunner(string text);
//internal static partial FATextReaderDfaTableRunner CalcTextReaderTableRunner(TextReader text);
//internal static partial FAStringDfaTableRunner CalcStringTableRunner(string text);
static void Main(string[] args)
var exp = "the 10 quick brown #@%$! foxes jumped over 1.5 lazy dogs";
foreach (var match in Tokenizers.Calc(exp))
string exp = @"[A-Z_a-z][A-Z_a-z0-9]*|0|\-?[1-9][0-9]*";
string text = "the quick brown fox jumped over the -10 lazy #@!*$ dog";
// lex a string
foreach (FAMatch match in FA.Parse(exp).Run(text))
Console.WriteLine("{0} at {1}", match.Value, match.Position);
// *or* parse it into AST
RegexExpression ast = RegexExpression.Parse(exp);
// visit the AST
ast.Visit((parent, expr) => { Console.WriteLine(expr.GetType().Name +" "+ expr); return true; });
// turn it into a state machine
// (with expanded epsilons)
FA nfa = ast.ToFA(0,false);
// compact the expanded
// epsilons (if desired)
// turn it into a DFA
FA dfa = nfa.ToDfa();
// *or* turn it into an optimized DFA
FA mdfa = nfa.ToMinimizedDfa();
// turn it back into a regular expression
// or do that, and reduce the expression
// (slower)
// FARunner has MatchNext()/Reset()
// and IEnumerable<FAMatch>
// If you reference FA.Compiler:
var compiledStr = mdfa.CompileString();
var compiledRdr = mdfa.CompileTextReader();
// to lex (as above)
foreach(FAMatch match in <compiledStr/compiledRdr>) {
// for table DFA
int[] table = mdfa.ToArray();
// Note: You can create table NFAs as well
// but the following functions require a
// DFA table
// to lex (as above)
foreach(FAMatch match in FA.Run(text,table)) {
// to recreate an FA from an array
// (works with NFAs too)
FA newFA = FA.FromArray(table);
// on FAs if you have GraphViz installed
// from and in
// your PATH:
// can be dot/jpg/png/svg and more
using(Stream stream = nfa.RenderToStream("jpg")) {
// If you reference FA.Generator and the CodeDom
// you can generate source code, potentially
// dependency free (when GenerateSharedCode is true)
var file = "MyLexer.cs";
using(var sw = new StreamWriter(file, false))
var ident = FA.Parse("[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*", 0, false);
var num = FA.Parse("0|-?[1-9][0-9]*", 1, false);
var ws = FA.Parse("[ ]+", 2, false);
var commentStart = FA.Parse(@"\/\*", 3, false);
var commentEnd = FA.Parse(@"\*\/", 3, false);
var lexer = FA.ToLexer(new FA[] { ident, num, ws, commentStart }, true);
var opts = new FAGeneratorOptions();
opts.ClassName = "MyLexer";
opts.Dependencies = FAGeneratorDependencies.GenerateSharedCode;
opts.GenerateTables = true;
opts.Symbols = new string[] { "ident","num","ws","comment" };
var runner = lexer.Generate(new FA[] { null, null, null, commentEnd }, opts);
var cprov = new CSharpCodeProvider();
var copt = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
cprov.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(runner, sw, copt);
- VisualFA - The main project (.NET 6)
- VisualFA.DNF - The main project (.NET Framework 4.8)
- VisualFA.Compiler - The compiler (.NET 6)
- VisualFA.Compiler.DNF - The compiler (.NET Framework 4.8)
- VisualFA.Generator - The code generator (.NET 6)
- VisualFA.Generator.DNF - The code generator (.NET Framework 4.8)
- LexGen - A command line tool for generating regex lexer source code (.NET 6)
- LexGen.DNF - The same tool (.NET Framework 4.8)
- FsmExplorer - A visual app for stepping through regex state machines (.NET Framework 4.8, Windows only)
- Benchmarks - Runs several benchmarks (.NET 7)
- GeneratorDemo - Demonstrates source code generation
- GeneratorDemoVB - Same as above but for VB.NET instead of C#
- SimpleStuff - Various demonstrations
- ArticleImages - Code I used to generate content
- MinimizationStress - Just testing large state machine minimization