This is the artifact for our PLDI 2023 paepr:
- Tetsuro Yamazaki, Tomoki Nakamaru, Ryota Shioya, Tomoharu Ugawa, Shigeru Chiba, "Collecting Cyclic Garbage across Foreign Function Interfaces: Who Takes the Last Piece of Cake?", ACM PLDI 2023,
The doker image of this software is available from Zenodo,
Refgraph GC is an extension to the JScall FFI library so that cyclic garbage betwwen Ruby and JavaScript will be reclaimed. Jscall is a foreign function interface (FFI) library to access a JavaScript library from Ruby.
This repository includes a modified Ruby 3.1.2 VM and a Ruby library named refgraph.
We below assume that /PATH/TO/RUBY-REFGRAPH
refers to the directory
containing this source code.
We also assume that the operating system is
Ubuntu 22.04 or macOS 13 Ventura.
Install the dependencies for ruby 3.1.2-clang-refgraph
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install autoconf bison clang libffi-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev rbenv ruby
$ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
Install npm
and Node.js
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install npm wget
$ sudo npm install --global n
$ sudo n lts
Build ruby 3.1.2-clang-refgraph
$ autoconf
$ autoreconf --install
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ CC=clang ../configure --prefix $(rbenv root)/versions/3.1.2-clang-refgraph --disable-install-doc
$ make install
$ cd ../refgraph
$ eval "$(rbenv init -)"
$ rbenv shell 3.1.2-clang-refgraph
$ gem install bundler
$ bin/setup
$ bundle exec rake build
$ gem install pkg/refgraph-0.1.0.gem
Install the dependencies for benchmark programs.
$ cd /PATH/TO/RUBY-REFGRAPH/refgraph/benchmarks/babel
$ npm install
Install the dependencies for a Python script that generates figures.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3-venv
$ cd /PATH/TO/RUBY-REFGRAPH/refgraph/experiment
$ python3 -m venv venv --upgrade-deps
$ venv/bin/pip install matplotlib==3.6.1
Google Chrome must be also installed.
After building and installing necessary components as instructed in the previous section, run test cases in the same shell.
Run tests for ruby 3.1.2-clang-refgraph
$ cd /PATH/TO/RUBY-REFGRAPH/refgraph
$ bundle exec rake test
All tests are supposed to pass
except test_w_shape_long_chain_looped()
in test_refgraph.rb
It may fail when only a limited amount of computing resource is available.
Switch the Ruby VM to ruby 3.1.2-clang-refgraph
$ rbenv shell 3.1.2-clang-refgraph
This command sets a shell-specific Ruby version so that the Ruby command \texttt{ruby} will be bound to that version.
Run the Ruby shell.
$ irb
irb> puts 'Hello, world!!'
Hello, world!!
=> nil
irb> require 'refgraph'
=> true
irb> Jscall.console.log('Hi!') # call a JavaScript function
=> nil
irb> Refgraph.gc # explicitly run Refgraph GC
=> [[0, 0]]
irb> exit
Refgraph GC is an extension to the jscall
is an FFI library
for running a JavaScript program from Ruby.
The document of this library is available from their github repo
This section mentions how to reproduce the figures presented in our PLDI paper.
The outputs are pdf files
under /PATH/TO/RUBY-REFGRAPH/refgraph/experiment/out
Since this section runs all the benchmark programs for generating figures,
it takes long time, probably, one day.
To reduce the execution time, you can decrease the number of iterating
the execution of the benchmark programs.
By default, it iterates 15 times.
The number of iteration is specified in experiment/
# number of iterations
Change this line and set repeat
to, for example, 2
Iterating 2 tiems will take about 2 hours.
If the iteration count is not 15, the shell script will produce a warning
message "data may not be sufficient"
, but ignore this message.
To reproduce figures, execute the following commands. Move to the benchmark directory.
$ cd /PATH/TO/RUBY-REFGRAPH/refgraph
Run benchmarks to obtain raw results.
$ RUBY_REFGRAPH_BENCHMARK_DIR="$(pwd)/benchmarks" experiment/
Generate figures from raw data.
$ cd ./experiment
$ ./
$ ls out
The output figures will be found under ./out
The implementation of Refgraph GC consists of an extension to CRuby and
a Ruby gem library named Refgraph
This Ruby gem library is an extension to another
Ruby gem library, Jscall
The source code of CRuby
. -
The source code of the Refgraph library.
- Ruby and JavaScript source.
- C source
- benchmark programs
The main method of Refgraph GC is Refgraph.gc
, which is in
It calls Refgraph.simply_make
to construct a compressed
reference graph in the JSON format.
The simply_make
method is implemented in the C language.
Its source code is found in ext/refgraph/simple.c
The constructed graph is sent to JavaScript by calling
Jscall.funcall("Refgraph.gc", json)
Jscall.funcall("Refgraph.eager\_gc", json)
This executes Refgraph.gc(json)
in JavaScript through the Jscall library.
Those JavaScript functions are found in lib/refgraph/refgraph.mjs
Note that Refgraph.gc
calls override_methods
which installs the send barrier by redefining several methods
on the export table.
The original source code for implementing the export table is included in the
Jscall library.
The source files of the benchmark programs are in
Each benchmark program is a pair of a Ruby program and a JavaScript
To illustrate the common structure of benchmark programs,
let's look at the source file of the loop
because it is the simplest benchmark.
The loop
benchmark is run by the following command:
$ ruby loop.rb true
This runs the benchmark with the Refgraph GC.
The main method of the loop
benchmark is
in loop.rb
When Refgraph GC is used, this method first
runs install_refgraph.rb
It redefines several methods in the Jscall library so that the
Refgraph GC will be periodically executed.
Then, run_benchmark
calls define_js_class
to execute a JavaScript program, which is
embedded in loop.rb
as the source text, on node.js
It defines a class and a function in JavaScript.
The JavaScript programs for some benchmarks are stored in a separate
source file. For example, the JavaScript program for the
benchmark is in deltablue.mjs
After executing the JavaScript program, run_benchmark
benchmark looping.
For every iteration,
it prints logged data by calling Refgraph.logging
The source code of logging
is in inspect.rb
For example, it prints the following data:
total time: 1.013 sec.
gc time: 514.266 msec.
reclaimed=21400. Rb=19.22Mb, Js=16.05Mb
Refgraph-gc count: 1, time: 89.933 msec.
refgraph size: [[35, 21436, 21472, 21471, 333211]]
[9802, 0, 9802, "import/import-zombi/export"]
The first line presents the total execution time of the iteration.
The second line presents the execution time of Ruby's GC.
In the third line, reclaimed
is the number of proxy objects
that are reclaimed in Ruby.
presents the memory usage in Ruby,
and Js
presents the memory usage in JavaScript.
The fourth line presents the number of occurrences of the Refgraph GC
and its total execution time during the iteration.
The fifth line presents an array of the size of a compressed reference graph created during the execution. The size is represented by five numbers: the number of edges from the root, the number of edges from the other nodes, the number of the nodes in the export table in Ruby, the number of the node in the import table in Ruby, and the byte length of the JSON text representing the graph.
The last line presents the number of the live proxy-objects, the number of the dead proxy-objects, and the number of the objects in the export table in Ruby when the iteration finishes.