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DMTR edited this page Dec 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

After the first seminar yesterday (30.11) the group met again to discuss the progress that has been made so far. Arif has made a preliminary script that mapped all the transcripts onto the reference genome which we got from Ensembl. The idea of filtering all these data based only on the protein-coding genes was tabled and agreed. A to-do list that we agreed to achieve by the end of the week is as follows:

  • Combine metadata and raw counts → patient code vs gene codes.
  • Look up whether to sum up or take median/mean for the samples that were sequenced multiple times (deeper coverage).
  • Get information regarding the workflow so far up until we get the raw count.
  • Upload reference regarding TPM value cut-off.

Once these are done, we can then continue with the differential expression analysis, with heavy emphasis on the statistics. :)
The group also welcome a new member. This afternoon (01.12), I will brief him regarding what has been done so far and what the group will try to do in the immediate future.
I am still a bit bummed because I have not contributed much to the scripting part due to the scheduling complication with another course. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute a bit more stuff soon...

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