jiracli is a simple command line interface based on the jira module. The module uses the REST API to communicate with the Jira instance.
python2.7 and jira from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jira/ is needed.
You can install jiracli with pip in a virtual environment:
virtualenv myenv source myenv/bin/activate pip install jiraclior without an virtual env:
pip install jiraclior directly from the extracted source:
python setup.py install
During the first run, jiracli asks for username, password and Jira url. All values are stored in ~/.jiracli.ini.
Try the help with:
./jiracli -h
The following command creates a new issue for the project PROJECT. Issue type is Dev Bug, labels are abc and def and components are xxx and yyyy:
./jiracli -c PROJECT "Dev Bug" "my test summary" "abc,def" "xxx,yyyy"
The following command prints a single issue:
./jiracli -i PROJECT-3535 PROJECT-3535, Prod Bug: This is a terrible bug. (Created, Low) created : Thu Oct 24 09:30:35 2013, by t.bechtold assignee : t.bechtold updated : Fri Nov 8 15:56:27 2013 components : SITE:XYZ labels : mylabel attachment :
You can also provide a list of issues. Then all issues will be printed. To also see the description of the issue(s), use --issue-desc. To list the comments, use --issue-comments. For a short overview (online per issue), use --issue-oneline.
To see the favourite filters of the currently logged in user, do:
$ ./jiracli --filter-list-fav 23905, t.bechtold PROJECT bugs Url : https://example.com/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=23905 description : Bugs of t.bechtold in project PROJECT owner : t.bechtold jql : project = PROJECT AND asignee = t.bechtold
The number 23905 in the filter head line is the filter-id. This id is used to search the issues for this filter:
./jiracli --issue-search-by-filter 23905
This command simply executes the search string given by the filter.
Useing the Jira query language to search is simple:
./jiracli --issue-search "assignee=CurrentUser() and status='Closed'" --issue-comments
This command searches for all closed issues of the currently logged in user. The command also prints the comments for every issue.
To get informed if something changed on an issue, there are watchers. The following commands add and remove a watch:
./jiracli --issue-watch-add PROJECT-1234 ./jiracli --issue-watch-remove PROJECT-1234
Adding and removing labels is simple. First add a label called testlabel and then remove it:
./jiracli --issue-label-add PROJECT-3724 "testlabel" ./jiracli --issue-label-remove PROJECT-3724 "testlabel"
A list of available components for a given project is available with:
./jiracli --project-list-components PROJECT
Now add and remove a component from the given list to an issue:
./jiracli --issue-component-add PROJECT-1234 "COMP1" ./jiracli --issue-component-remove PROJECT-1234 "COMP1"
This is a simple task, similar to labels or components:
./jiracli --issue-fix-version-add PROJECT-3750 "My Fix version" ./jiracli --issue-fix-version-remove PROJECT-3750 "My Fix version"
The following command open a text editor to insert the comment:
./jiracli --issue-comment-add PROJECT-3724
The short form is:
./jiracli --issue-comment-add PROJECT-3724 -m "another comment"
With a simple plain text file filled with Issue summaries per line you can easily greate mulitple Issues and Sub-Tasks in one run.
The layout of the file is pretty basic:
- each line represents an issue
- this line will be the summary of the issue
- issues starting with a * or - character will be a Sub-Task of the previous parent issue
As a DevOps I want to automate all daily duties via a RESTful API * Collect requirments from all DevOps teams * Design RESTful API draft * Implement the API
The following command creates multiple tickets with the summary from the given file:
./jiracli --issues-create PROJECT "User Story" "Sub-task" sprint22-stories.txt
Appending Sub-Tasks or Child-Tickets from a file to an existing Issue with a given parent id:
./jiracli --issue-parent PROJECT-3763 --issues-create PROJECT "User Story" "Sub-task" sprint22-stories.txt
The following command will show you the current ongoing sprint of a project:
./jiracli --sprint MYPROJECT issue status assignee summary ------- -------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------- RD-1547 In Progress user_owner Bug on main screen of MyLittlePoney Project RD-1517 Refused Nobody Please add a green poney RD-1516 Resolved user_x My poney is not pink enough