This repository contains all of my Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Fall 2021) projects.
Here's a list of my projects:
- Project 1 Report - Topics: CNN, Transfer Learning, Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection(Bocce Ball)
- Project 2 Report - Topics: Music Generation, Pitch Detection, Lyrics Generation, Sound Processing
- Project 3 Report - Topics: AC-GAN, DCGAN, WGAN, Video/Image Colorization
Here's a list of my homework:
- Homework 1 Report - Topics: Mcculloch Pitts, AdaLine, MAdaLine, Perceptron, Madaline
- Homework 2 Report - Topics: MLP Classification, MLP Regression, Autoencoders, PCA, Dimension Reduction
- Homework 3 Report - Topics: Hebbian Learning Rule, Auto-associative Network, Discrete Hopfield Network, Bidirectional Associative Network
- Homework 4 Report - Topics: Mexican-hat, MaxNet, HammingNet, SOM
- Extra Homework Report - Topics: Reinforcement Learning