SaltStack in Docker (Compose, Swarm)
Quickly spin up a slick SaltStack dev env using the Docker ecosystem.
Docker Compose and Docker Swarm is used to bootstrap the env.
├── image
│ ├── Dockerfile.deb ------------------> Ubuntu
│ ├── Dockerfile.deb_systemd ----------> Ubuntu with systemd
│ ├── Dockerfile.rpm_systemd ----------> Centos 7.x with systemd
│ ├── repo
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── saltstack.list
│ └──
├── other
├── ------------------------> Use this script to spin up containers with systemd
├── saltdock_build.yml
├── saltdock_deploy.yml
└── vol
├── etc
│ └── salt --------------------> Default master conf provided, edit it if needed
└── srv
└── salt --------------------> Salt states, formulas, pillars
Centos 7.x
Salt configurations:
auto_accept: True
Inside cloned repo folder run:
1.1 Build images:
docker-compose -f build.yml build
1.2 Init single node docker swarm:
docker swarm init
1.3. Deploy stack on docker swarm:
docker stack deploy -c deploy.yml saltdock
If this step fails due to race condition with container needing network first just run it a few times util you are lucky.
Containers with systemd are not supported in Docker Compose or Swarm.
2.1 Add an ubuntu systemd container.
./ add 3 deb
2.2 Add to path
ln -s ~/saltdock/ /usr/local/bin/saltdock
3.1 Remove ubuntu systemd containers first:
saltdock rm
3.2 Remove the stack
docker stack rm saltdock
Minion keys are stored in a local volume, to clean dead ones:
salt-run manage.down removekeys=True
Shell shortcuts:
alias dps="docker ps"
alias dpsa="docker ps -a"
alias dstop='docker stop `docker ps --format "{{.ID}}"`'
alias drm='docker rm `docker ps --format "{{.ID}}"`'
alias drma='docker rm `docker ps -a --format "{{.ID}}"`'
dexec() { docker exec -ti $1 bash }
Salt useful stuff:
salt '*' saltutil.pillar_refresh
salt '*' mine.update
salt '*' saltutil.sync_all
salt '*' state.highstate