WHM CPANEL EMAIL ADDER Simple clase para agregar, modificar y elimianar correos en cpanel desde php, funciona en CPANEL 78.0.38 con cualquier thema. hace uso del API 2 WHM API JSON.
A Simple class to add, modify and delete email accounts on cpanel from php, it works on cpanel v78.0.38 with any theme. it use of cpanel api 2, whm api json.
Para extender esta clase o referencias visita:
For any extenson or references go to:
- Entrar al archivo /newXMLAPI/newXMLAPI.php y modificar la funcion contruct para añadir tu nombre de usuario y contrseña de CPANEL.
1. Go to /newXMLAPI/newXMLAPI.php and modify construct function to add and your username and password from your cpanel
$this->systemAccount = new systemAccount("","");
- Agregar un nuevo correo
1. Addd new email account
include 'newXMLAPI/newXMLAPI.php';
use newXMLAPI\newXMLAPI as api;
$api = new api();
echo $api->errors();
} else {
echo "Crear Success";
- Modificar contraseña
2. Modify email account password
include 'newXMLAPI/newXMLAPI.php';
use newXMLAPI\newXMLAPI as api;
$api = new api()
echo $api->errors();
} else {
echo "Password Success";
- Eliminar correo
3. delete email account
include 'newXMLAPI/newXMLAPI.php';
use newXMLAPI\newXMLAPI as api;
$api = new api()
echo $api->errors();
} else {
echo "Delete Success";