Implementation of the paper "Efficient Distributed Transaction Processing in Heterogeneous Networks".
RedT is a novel distributed transaction processing protocol that works in heterogeneous networks, it extends two-phase commitment (a.b.a. 2PC) by decomposing transactions into sub-transactions in terms of the data center granularity, and proposing a pre-write-log mechanism that is able to eliminate the log synchronization in the prepare phase.
We implemented RedT and other baselines in this repository, and the concurrency control algorithm we used was No-wait for serializability and si for snapshot isolation. For the other baseline, we also use the No-wait and si. For No-wait in RedT, we design three implementations using RDMA one-side verbs. RDMA_NO_WAIT is the algorithm that distinguishes between read and write locks, RDMA_NO_WAIT2 does not distinguish between read and write locks, and RDMA_NO_WAIT3 adds lock_owner to each data item. We used RDMA_NO_WAIT3 in the paper.
RedT is atop of the opensourced distributed framework Deneva, whose study can be found in the following paper:
Rachael Harding, Dana Van Aken, Andrew Pavlo, and Michael Stonebraker. 2017.
An Evaluation of Distributed Concurrency Control. PVLDB 10, 5 (2017), 553–564.
Each branch records a different protocol
- RedT-replicacc: the RedT protocol without read only optimization.
- RedT-readop: the RedT protocol with read only optimization.
- tapir: the tapir protocol
- 2PC-Paxos: the 2PC+Paxos protocol and Early-Prepare+Paxos protocol
- MDCC: the MDCC protocol
- RedT-TCP: RedT without RDMA.
To ensure that the code works properly, the server needs to have the following dependencies:
- g++ >= 6.4.0
- Boost = 1.6.1
- jemalloc >= 5.2.1
- nanomsg >= 1.1.5
- libevent >= 1.2
- libibverbs
git clone
make clean
make deps
make -j16
In scripts\
, the vcloud_uname
and vcloud_machines
need to be changed for running. and the experiments specific configuration can be found in scripts\
To test the impact of inter-DC transaction ratio, run the following command:
cd scripts
python -e -c vcloud ycsb_cross_dc -l 20 0
-l 20 0
means that the delay between DCs is 40ms and the jitter is 0.
To test the impact of inter-DC networks, run the following command:
cd scripts
sh exp/
In 'sh exp/', there are shall commands to set different network delays between data centers.
To test the impact of read-write ratio, run the following command:
cd scripts
python -e -c vcloud ycsb_write -l 20 0
To test the impact of contention level, run the following command:
cd scripts
python -e -c vcloud ycsb_skew -l 20 0
author = {Qian Zhang, Jingyao Li, Hongyao Zhao, Quanqing Xu, Wei Lu, Jinliang Xiao, Fushan Han, Chuanhui Yang, and Xiaoyong Du},
year = {2023},
pages = {},
title = {Efficient Distributed Transaction Processing in Heterogeneous Networks},
volume = {16},
journal = {Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment},