Author - Doug Wight - [email protected]
This is a website, using knockout, googlemaps API, foursquare API and javascript.
- Clone / copy the code from github to your local computer
- You then need to build the dependent modules to allow the app to work.
- This project uses Bower to build the front-end javascript modules required for the project.
- You will build these using Bower.
- If you don't have Bower, install it using npm, or other package manager
- To install Bower (globally) using npm, enter the following into your terminal:
npm install -g bower
- Next, to use Bower to install the modules listed in the bower.json file, run the following code from
the directory holding index.html:
bower install
Once the modules have loaded, launch index.html in the browser of your choice.
The code from Udacity lectures and example code from googlemaps have been used extensively.
The main API link is with googlemaps. It uses the places library to extract information as well. The foursquare API is used, just for the restaurants. It gives an indication of how expensive the restaurant is.