Single-pass probabilistic duplicate marking of alignments with a Bloom filter.
Input is a SAM file format input stream: a valid header followed by reads in
qname-grouped order (e.g. output of bwa mem
). Detected duplicates have the
SAM FLAG 0x400 bit set and PG:Z: tag added, and summary metrics are written
to a file at the end of processing.
- Fast — with default settings
is ~5x faster than Picard MarkDuplicates. - Low memory footprint even for large libraries — with default settings
requires just 4G to process 1B templates. - High concordance with Picard MarkDuplicates metrics.
- Soft-clipped reads are correctly handled.
- Tunable target false positive rate.
- Streaming input and output.
Due to the nature of the single-pass operation:
retains the first encountered template as the original and marks subsequently encountered copies as duplicates. This differs from Picard MarkDuplicates which marks those of lowest quality as the duplicates.streammd
does not differentiate between optical duplicates and PCR duplicates.
Additionally, the current implementation handles SAM format input only.
- autotools
- Requires c++17 with
. gcc >= 8.1 or clang >= 7 should work.
Download a distribution tarball streammd-[x.y.z].tar.gz
tar -xzvf streammd-[x.y.z].tar.gz
cd streammd-[x.y.z]
# build
# run unit tests (optional)
make check
# install
sudo make install
The configure script and makefiles are generated by autotools and should be quite portable. The usual variables and options may be used to customize the build and install steps e.g.
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local
make CXX='clang++' CXXFLAGS='-g -O3'
- get help
streammd --help
Usage: streammd [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output OUTPUT] [--fp-rate FP_RATE] [--mem MEM]
[--allow-overcapacity] [--metrics METRICS_FILE] [--remove-duplicates]
[--show-capacity] [--single] [--strip-previous]
Read a SAM file from STDIN, mark duplicates in a single pass and stream processed records to STDOUT.
Input must begin with a valid SAM header followed by qname-grouped records. Default log level is
'info' — set to something else (e.g. 'debug') via SPDLOG_LEVEL environment variable.
Optional arguments:
-h, --help shows help message and exits
-v, --version prints version information and exits
--input INPUT Input file. [default: STDIN]
--output OUTPUT Output file. [default: STDOUT]
-p, --fp-rate FP_RATE The maximum acceptable marginal false-positive rate. [default: 1e-06]
-m, --mem MEM Memory allowance for the Bloom filter, e.g "4GiB". Both binary
(kiB|MiB|GiB) and decimal (kB|MB|GB) formats are understood. As a
result of implementation details, a value that is an exact power
of 2 (512MiB, 1GiB, 2GiB etc) gives a modest processing speed
advantage (~5%) over neighbouring values. [default: "4GiB"]
--allow-overcapacity Warn instead of error when Bloom filter capacity is exceeded.
[default: false]
--metrics METRICS_FILE Output metrics file. [default: "streammd-metrics.json"]
--remove-duplicates Omit detected duplicates from the output.
--show-capacity Do no work, just print the capacity of the Bloom filter that would
be constructed with the given --fp-rate and --mem values.
--single Accept single-ended reads as input. [default: paired-end]
--strip-previous Unset duplicate flag for any reads that have it set and are no
longer considered duplicate. Only ever required if records have
previously been through a duplicate marking step. [default: false]
- mark duplicates on an input SAM record stream
bwa mem ref.fa r1.fq r2.fq|streammd
Bloom filter capacity n
(in this context, the number of templates that can be
effectively processed) depends on the desired maximum false positive rate p
as well as the memory allowance. For a given p
you should set the memory to
a value sufficient to handle the expected number of templates. Run the tool
with --show-capacity
to view Bloom filter capacity for any -p
and -m
p | mem | n |
1.00E-02 | 128MiB | 1.07E+08 |
1.00E-04 | 256MiB | 1.09E+08 |
1.00E-06 | 512MiB | 1.24E+08 |
1.00E-02 | 1GiB | 8.56E+08 |
1.00E-04 | 2GiB | 8.72E+08 |
1.00E-06 | 4GiB | 9.94E+08 |
For example, as a guide: 60x human WGS 2x150bp paired-end sequencing consists of n ≈ 6.00E+08 templates, and the default memory setting of 4GiB is sufficient to process this at the default false positive rate of 1.00E-06.
-p, --fp-rate
sets the value for the maximum acceptable marginal
false-positive rate. This is the value at which the tool raises an error when
with n
items already stored, the predicted FP probability of a newly tested
item exceeds that value. This is not the same as the true bulk FP rate in all
items processed by the Bloom filter, which will always be lower as long as we
stop adding items when the marginal rate is exceeded.
The --allow-overcapacity
option overrides this default error behaviour,
generating only a warning when the target maximum marginal FP rate is exceeded.
This is not recommended for general use.
The current implementation of streammd
uses a fixed number of hash functions
) regardless of the value of p
) or m
). Other
implementations are certainly possible, such as allowing a free choice of k
or using the value of k
that maximizes capacity n
for a given m
and p
(i.e. the capacity-optimal value). Each of these has its own drawbacks. In the
case of a free choice, the user must understand and experiment with the
non-trivial relationship between k
and filter capacity, false-positive rate,
memory use, and performance to pick a sensible value. Most users probably just
want reasonable performance and minimal parameter space searching, given their
computational constraint (mem) and analytic goal (FPR).
Moreover, the value of k
that maximizes n
for a given p
and m
is not
a great default for performance reasons because Bloom filter capacity is only
weakly dependent on k
close to the capacity-optimal value, but computational
cost is linear in k
. For example, with defaults of m=4GiB
and p=1e-6
the capacity-optimal Bloom filter requires k=20
to store 1.2e9
items, but
halving the number of hashes to k=10
(doubling the speed) reduces capacity by
just 17% to 1e9
In summary, a fixed k=10
is a pragmatic compromise between performance and
memory given values of p
and n
likely to be useful for large short-read
= total count of templates seen.TEMPLATES_UNMAPPED
= count of templates containing no mapped read.TEMPLATES_MARKED_DUPLICATE
= count of templates marked duplicate.TEMPLATE_DUPLICATE_FRACTION
is capable of generating outputs at a very high rate. For efficient
pipelining, downstream tools should be run with sufficient cpu resources to
handle their inputs — for example if you want to write the outputs to BAM
format using samtools view
you should specify extra compression threads for
optimal throughput; for example:
bwa mem ref.fa r1.fq r2.fq|streammd|samtools view -@2 -o some.MD.bam
Please consider citing when referring to streammd
in publications.