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Environmental Sensing API

Basic Ruby On Rails API to store sensor readings

Database: posgresql

Using the folowing gems

  • annotate
  • rswag
  • rails_admin


$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake db:seed
$ rails s -b

Assuming Postgres SQL is running on local host and listening port 5432

Assuming role envsensing with passwd envsensing exists

Assuming the server is running on localhost port 3000

API doc:

Rails admin:


3 containers:
* app : ruby on rails app, using PUMA
* db  : postgres
* web : nginx

In the folder:
```shell script
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
$ sudo docker-compose exec app bash

In the app container:

# rake db:create
# rake db:migrate
# rake db:seed

The server will listen port 8080.

Dont forget to create the folder /storage/pictures in the app root folder