👉 Porfolio website with personal and contact inforamation, projects showcase and a blog.
- Responsive
- Autogenerate blogs post OG images
- .mdx or .md files for blog
- Comments sections on blog
- Animated background with programing logos
- Animated bubbles on github image profile and personal image
- Socials & Resume
- Buy me a coffe button ( on desktop ) ☕
- Pokefan
Feel free to contribute, open issues or PRs, i like gitmoji for commits
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
│ └───workflows
│ ├───assets
│ │ ├───posts
│ │ ├───svgs
│ │ └───thumbnails
│ └───icons
│ ├───android
│ └───ios
│ ├───about
│ ├───decoration
│ ├───particles
│ ├───posts
│ ├───projects
│ ├───stacks
│ └───utilities
│ ├───blog
│ └───open-graph