A compiler targeting CSH scripts with csp_proc from .json source syntax files.
Setup a virtual environment and install requirements:
python3 -m venv .venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --editable .
proc_comp is developed as a Python package. This allows splitting it into multiple modules (files).
Below, the steps done by the compiler is described. Cleanup still needed and function names might not be correct, but this is the main idea:
---From frontend--> General language/JSON
---parser--> intermediary representation/abstract syntax
---codegen.procgen--> CSH command representation split into proc functions. A control flow graph is built alongside
---cfg.calc_liveness--> Analyse the control flow graph for parameter liveness. Calculate a colored graph for reuse of general purpose parameters.
---codegen.assign_params--> Replace placeholder params with general purpose params found with coloring
---codegen.assign_slots--> Analyse which slots are available and update the slot names correspondingly.
---codegen.codegen--> Generate actual CSH script. Use a csh_str() method from common/csh.py (not implemented yet)
usage: proc_comp.py [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--verbose] [--log-file LOG_FILE] input
positional arguments:
input Input file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
Output file
--verbose, -v Enable verbose mode
--log-file LOG_FILE, -l LOG_FILE
Set logging to file instead of stdout/stderr
- (GPIO) Set GPIO high/low
- (CSH) custom code
- (CSH) get param
- (CSH) set param
- (proc) management
proc new
proc del
proc pull
proc push
proc size
proc pop
proc list
proc slots
proc run
- (proc) Control flow
proc block <param a> <binop> <param b>
proc ifelse <param a> <binop> <param b>
proc noop
proc set <param> <value>
proc unop <param> <unop> <result>
proc binop <param a> <binop> <param b> <result>
proc call <procedure slot>