Object-semantic mapping (OSM) is like ORM, but for RDF.
This ES6 JavaScript library defines a base model for creating in-memory model instances, and for reading models from and writing models to DatasetCore-compliant datasets.
Applications would normally use subclasses that extend the base Model
class. To illustrate how this is done, this library contains a Person
This library is intended as a solid foundation for building OSM models on, and for making RDF easy to manipulate by applications.
Template for a Qworum application that uses RDF data.
import * as OSM from 'https://esm.sh/gh/doga/[email protected]/mod.mjs';
Tip: Run the examples below by typing this in your terminal (requires Deno 2+):
deno run \
--allow-net --allow-run --allow-env --allow-read \
jsr:@andrewbrey/[email protected] \
--dax=false \
Example: Create a model instance, and write it to an RDF dataset.
description = ''' Running this code is safe. '''
import { Model, IRI } from 'https://esm.sh/gh/doga/[email protected]/mod.mjs';
import { Store, Writer } from 'https://esm.sh/gh/doga/[email protected]/mod.mjs';
const {schema} = Model.wellKnownPrefixes;
await demo();
async function demo() {
console.info(`Creating new model instance ..`);
modelId = IRI.parse('urn:isbn:0451450523'),
modelType = IRI.parse(`${schema}Product`),
model = new Model(modelId, {types: modelType});
console.info(`\nWriting the model instance to an empty dataset ..`);
const store = new Store();
// Non-standard way of printing out the dataset
const writer = new Writer();
for (const quad of store) writer.addQuad(quad);
writer.end((err, res) => {if (!err) console.info(`\nUpdated dataset:\n${res}`);});
Sample output for the code above:
Creating new model instance ..
<urn:isbn:0451450523> a <https://schema.org/Product>.
Writing the model instance to an empty dataset ..
Updated dataset:
<urn:isbn:0451450523> a <https://schema.org/Product>.
Example: Read model instances from a dataset sourced from a Turtle file.
description = ''' Running this code is safe. '''
import { Model, IRI } from 'https://esm.sh/gh/doga/[email protected]/mod.mjs';
import { Store, Parser } from 'https://esm.sh/gh/doga/[email protected]/mod.mjs';
const { org } = Model.wellKnownPrefixes;
await demo();
async function demo() {
// build the dataset from a Turtle file
url = IRI.parse('https://qworum.net/data/org.ttl'),
response = await fetch(url),
text = await response.text(),
store = new Store(),
parser = new Parser({baseIRI: `${url}`}),
parseHandler = (error, quad, prefixes) => {if (quad) store.add(quad);};
await parser.parse(text, parseHandler);
// read the models from the dataset
const models = await Model.readFrom(store, {types: IRI.parse(`${org}Organization`)});
for (const model of models) console.info(`${model}`);
Sample output for the code above:
<https://qworum.net/data/org.ttl#id> a <http://www.w3.org/ns/org#Organization>.
Example: Read persons from a dataset sourced from a Turtle file.
description = ''' Running this code is safe. '''
import { Person, IRI } from 'https://esm.sh/gh/doga/[email protected]/mod.mjs';
import { Store, Writer, Parser } from 'https://esm.sh/gh/doga/[email protected]/mod.mjs';
await demo();
async function demo() {
// build the dataset from a Turtle file
url = IRI.parse('https://qworum.net/data/DoğaArmangil.ttl'),
response = await fetch(url),
text = await response.text(),
store = new Store(),
parser = new Parser({baseIRI: `${url}`}),
parseHandler = (error, quad, prefixes) => {if (quad) store.add(quad);};
await parser.parse(text, parseHandler);
// read the persons from the dataset
const persons = await Person.readFrom(store);
for (const person of persons){
// add in-memory data
person.emails.add('[email protected]');
names = await person.getNames(),
olbs = await person.getOneLineBios(),
emails = await person.getEmails();
for (const name of names) console.info(` name: ${name}`);
for (const olb of olbs) console.info(` one-line bio: ${olb}`);
for (const email of emails) console.info(` email: ${email}`);
for (const name of person.names) console.info(` in-memory name: ${name}`);
for (const olb of person.oneLineBios) console.info(` in-memory one-line bio: ${olb}`);
for (const email of person.emails) console.info(` in-memory email: ${email}`);
console.info(`\nWriting the persons' ID, type(s) and in-memory data to an empty dataset ..`);
const store2 = new Store();
for(const person of persons) await person.writeTo(store2);
// Non-standard way of printing out the dataset
const writer = new Writer();
for (const quad of store2) writer.addQuad(quad);
writer.end((err, res) => {if (!err) console.info(`\nUpdated dataset:\n${res}`);});
Sample output for the code above:
name: Doğa Armangil
one-line bio: "EPFL software engineer living in Switzerland. Patent author. Business owner in software."@en
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
in-memory email: [email protected]
Writing the persons' ID, type(s) and in-memory data to an empty dataset ..
Updated dataset:
<https://qworum.net/data/DoğaArmangil.ttl#id> a <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person>, <https://schema.org/Person>, <http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#NaturalPerson>, <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Agent>;
<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/mbox> <mailto:[email protected]>.