Little, very simple CLI of twitch for Windows.
Pronounce like that: "tickly", as in "tickle".
Download, install it and you good to go.
Firstly, you need to authenticate. Just type in cmd:
It will automaticly start authentication by opening your default browser.
Authenticating: opening browser...
- You should authorize in the TwitchAPI.
- Then, you will get sent to the "localhost" with your auth token.
- You should copy-paste it back in your cmd:
authToken: [your token]
And there you go - you've did it! Here's your little reward!
Somewhen your token will be expired, but dont worry you're safe.
You will get message about it and you will proceeded to reauth:
Your token has been expired or incorrect.
You will be proceeded to authentication.
After that, you will again be able to use tCLI!
Your account based on which you've been signup in twitch itself.
So, just switch to different account in your default browser and run auth process again:
tcli auth
All data, information and content used, gathered and downloaded are stored in app folder in your Documents:
tCLI will notify you about a new update, like this:
Update avaliable: v2.3.2.
You can update by running: "tcli update"
It checks every launch. To update, simply use:
tcli update
- It will download setup file.
- And open it.
- You should give admin rigths, if it asked, otherwise it will cancelled.
- After you saw setup window you must close your original cmd. It will tell it to you.
- Install it.
- Done! Now, you can run it again.
Last version setup installed always stored in update folder at app:
It stored in app folder:
- Delete "auth.json" file.
tcli [command] [username] [...arguments]
Simple tcli
will show live streams of your follows.
Tip: you can see basic version of this, in tCLI itself, by using:
tcli help
sets titles to full-v
returns current version of tCLIauth
for repeating auth processclips [username]
gets 100 clips from specified streamer sorted by views for week-dl [username]
downloads clips from specified user for specified time
downloads one exact cilp, that you need-a/-y/-m/-w/-d
timestamps-id [clipID]
returns data about specified clip-c [clipID]
copies link to the clip
returns clips top of clips forall time/year/month/week/day
directory [gameName]/all
returns streamers from specified directory or from all
If you want to select Just Chatting category or anything more than one word, use quotation marks:
tcli directory "just chatting"
download [URL]
downloads .mp4 file
Must be through HTTPS-protocol.
following [from] [to]
returns boolean of check if "from" user is following "to" userfollows
returns your follows with timestamps[username]
returns follows of that specified username with timestamps
returns all avaliable commands[command]
for specified command
link [username]
copies link to the stream of specified streamer, for using in VLC, for example, default quality is source[quality]
you can specify the quality, as in twitch player: 1080p60, 720p60, 720p and etc-v [username]
you can choose vod, that you want to watch and it will copy its link, default quality is source[quality]
specifying quality, as in twitch player
default, shows up all live streams, that you following[username]
checks if specified user is live, if yes to returns data about its stream
returns data about your account[username]
returns data about specified user
returns all teams that you had joined[teamName]
returns all members of the specified team-a [username]
returns all teams that specified streamer had joined
updates tCLIversion
same as-v
, see abovevods
returns vods by the time, from your follows[username]
returns vods of the specified username-f
sets titles to full
- If you paste link of clip to cmd and in your link have "&" character, cmd thinks that string after it is a command, so tries to exec it, but its not.
Please, remove it from link, if possible for more stability.
Feel free to post errors, contact me and stuff.
You're welcome!
Hey, I know about
Semantic Versioning
- but, let me do my own little thing down here)
And aboutyargs
too, and bout it's predecessoroptimist
and bout his replacement by his own creator -minimist
If you are a member of a Twitch Staff or working at Twitch and have questions, claims or anything - I will cooperate as much as I can. Or anyone who has something to say, email me at:
[email protected]
Uses NodeJS and such modules:node-fetch
, express
, open
, twitch-m3u8
, moment
, copy-paste
, path
, fs
, https
, nodejs-file-downloader
, ansi-colors
, child_process