To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
To change the language, just pass the new language to currentLanguage
of the EcoContentLanguageManager
EcoContentLanguageManager.sharedInstance.context.currentContentLanguage = "en"
To enable the RTL modification on the fly, use:
- EcoUIButton
- EcoUILabel
- EcoUITextField
To change the text value, your controller must inherit from EcoViewController
Then you have to override the udpdateLocalizedStrings()
override func updateLocalizedStrings() {
titleLabel.text = NSLocalizedString(key: "LABEL")
textField.text = NSLocalizedString(key: "TEXTFIELD")
button.setTitle(NSLocalizedString(key: "BUTTON"), for: .normal)
The NSLocalizedString
function will first try to find the text value using the datasource (protocol: EcoContentLanguageManagerDataSource
If the datasource is nil, the i18n.strings
files will be used. The strings file will be the one contained in .lproj folder prefixed by the currentLanguage value (en.lproj, fr.lprog, etc..)
Asuard, Ecocea
EcoLanguage is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.