More than just dotfiles. My personal preferences for setting up Linux, Mac, and Raspberry Pi.
Install prerequisite software using one of the guides below for Raspberry Pi or Mac.
Pull the repository, and then create the symbolic links using GNU stow.
$ git clone [email protected]:eggplantpasta/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ stow --dotfiles zsh vim git # plus whatever else you'd like
Kitty is a fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal emulator. It has good shell integration and is cross platform between Linux and MacOS.
Not sure what I'm going to use this for yet but it seems useful: solarized-termcolor-osc4.
Or this Solarized Color Theme for GNU ls (as setup by GNU dircolors)
Upgrade the installed packages, kernel, and firmware.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
Switch to zsh.
sudo apt-get install zsh
chsh -s /bin/zsh
Install Oh My Zsh.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install theme Powerlevel10k and replace the line begining with ZSH_THEME=...
with ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k"
in ~/.zshrc.
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
vi .~.zshrc
Using the standard terminal, LXTerminal, terminal emulator for LXDE project:
change the colours - Edit / Preferences Pallette: Solarised Dark
Install the font Fira Code patched with Nerd Fonts from GitHub here.
mkdir ~/.fonts && cd "$_"
tar -xf
fc-cache -f
- Powerline and Gitstatus
sudo apt install powerline-gitstatus
Install my preferred software.
# uninstally the tiny vim and install a more full featured version
sudo apt-get remove -y --purge vim vim-runtime vim-gnome vim-tiny vim-gui-common
sudo apt-get install vim fonts-powerline
# intall other things
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver stow
On Raspberry Pi set the default editor to Vim by running select-editor
Set the defaiult terminal app LXTerminal Palette to Solarized Dark by going to Edit / Preferences.
Set the scrolling to match the Mac by editing the libinput config.
sudo vi /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf
# Match on all types of devices but tablet devices and joysticks
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "libinput pointer catchall"
MatchIsPointer "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Driver "libinput"
Option "NaturalScrolling" "true" #ADD THIS LINE
To avoid the “Operation not permitted” error you have to grant the terminal full disk access. In System Preferences / Security & Privacy, in the privacy tab add the Terminal application (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal) to the list of allowed apps.
Go to to set up homebrew.
To upgrade brew itself, the formulae, and then the packages:
brew update
brew upgrade
For the moment roughly following this tutorial.
I chose the iTerm2 Colour scheme "purplepeter".
These are what I install to customise my Vim.
Vim Plug - A minimalist Vim plugin manager.
Sensible.Vim - A small sensible Vim configuration.
Vim Airline - Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.
Put the following in the ~/.vimrc
" Install vim-plug if not found
if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
" Run PlugInstall if there are missing plugins
autocmd VimEnter * if len(filter(values(g:plugs), '!isdirectory(v:val.dir)'))
\| PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC
\| endif
call plug#begin()
Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
call plug#end()
let g:airline_theme = 'base16_solarized'
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
The command line tools included with Mac OS are older BSD versions and not the more normal GNU Linux versions. This adds symlinks for GNU utilities with g prefix to /usr/local/bin/:
brew install coreutils
See brew search gnu
for other packages. If you want to use the commands without a 'g' prefix use aliases or add for example /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin before other directories on your PATH.
Set up a default terminal profile based on "Homebrew" with the font changed to "Menlo Regular 14 pt."
Set the default mail app by opening Mail, going into preferences, and selecting the default mail app from the dropdown on the General tab.
Send screenshots to a folder so the desktop stays uncluttered.
mkdir ~/Documents/Screenshots
cd ~/Desktop/Screenshots
defaults write location `pwd`
According to the man bash
, .bash_profile is executed for login shells, while .bashrc is executed for interactive non-login shells. An exception to this is Mac OS X’s, which runs a login shell by default for each new terminal window, calling .bash_profile instead of .bashrc.
Normally you want to do the same things for both login and non-login shells - so put all of your code in .bashrc and call it from .bash_profile.
The differences between .bashrc and .bash_profile are explained on Josh Staiger's blog.
Definitions of useful aliases and functions.
Set up by default to use GNU Utilities installed by brew on Mac OS. If installing in GNU/Linux then delete the 'g' prefixed version and uncomment the standard one.
Cutesy lecture message when doing sudo thanks to brianclemens.
Check man sudoers
for support of lecture_file
. Be careful of the hidden ESC characters before the colour definition sequences (use ^v ESC to enter in vi). Save to /etc/sudoers.lecture
as root. Perform the following config using visudo.
Defaults lecture_file = /etc/sudoers.lecture
It may be easier to test if you temporarily also add.
Defaults lecture = always
Atlassian's Sourcetree makes changes to the [difftool "sourcetree"] and [mergetool "sourcetree"] entries. In addition to this the following additions make git difftool
from the command line use the XCode FileMerge utility. Here's a cool article and video tutorial about it.
tool = opendiff
prompt = false
[difftool "opendiff"]
cmd = /usr/bin/opendiff \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" -merge \"$MERGED\" | cat
[mergetool "opendiff"]
cmd = /usr/bin/opendiff \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" -ancestor \"$BASE\" -merge \"$MERGED\"
Use the Google Shell Style Guide.
Get it from the App Store.
Following instructions from here pull out an alias of FileMerge to enable it's use as a stand alone app.
- Browse to /Applications/
- Right-click -> Show package contents
- Contents -> Applications
- Right-click -> Make Alias -> Enter password
- Copy the Alias to somewhere, like /Applications
- Delete the original Alias
Also from here set the XCode preference for the command line tools.
- Open Xcode > Preferences > Locations
- Click on the drop-down box beside Command Line Tools and select your current Xcode version.
Check by running opendiff
on the command line.
Download from here and install globally.
Keep it updated by running composer self-update
Keep any global tools updated by running composer global update
Download from the main website.
Install it in your path (zsh)
cat << EOF >> ~/.zprofile
# Add Visual Studio Code (code)
export PATH="\$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio"
I think the colour theme gloom is pretty. I use it together with the UI theme One Dark Pro.
Install Settings Sync and fetch the settings from GitHub.
Current Extensions:
- AWK v0.0.2
- beautify v1.4.7
- code-settings-sync v3.2.2
- gitlens v9.0.3
- markdown-all-in-one v1.8.0
- Material-theme v2.17.7
- php-cs-fixer v0.1.89
- php-debug v1.12.6
- php-intellisense v2.3.10
- php-pack v1.0.2
- plsql-language v1.6.5
- python v2018.11.0
- sort-lines v1.7.0
- vscode-apache v1.1.1
- vscode-docker v0.4.0
- vscode-hexdump v1.7.2
- vscode-markdownlint v0.22.0
- xml v2.3.2
Colours for the ls command are implemented in a couple of ways depending on the flavour of Linux. This is explained in the StackOverflow post here.
BSD / Mac OS use the CLICOLOR=1 environmentvariable to turn on colour and the LSCOLOR variable to set the colours.
GNU Linux uses the command line switch --color and the envirnment variable LS_COLOR to set the colours. Use an alias to turn colours on on a permanent basis.
alias ls='ls --color'
Rather than setting the colours using LS_COLOR or LSCOLOR it's better to change the definition of those colours in the terminal as that will be portable across every machine you ssh into.
VS Code is now officially supportedd on Raspberry Pi.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install code
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Brett Roper"
Ideas gleaned from these places.
- A blog post by Craig Hockenberry The Terminal.
- Solarized colours for vim vim-colors-solarized.
- Configure SVN diff to use FileMerge from dtjm.
- Good example of a bash profile from Nate Landau.
- Paul Redmonds zsh article and dotfiles.
- Another .bashrc example from Stefaan Lippens.
- Explination of the differences between the .bashrc and others.
- VS Code for Linux from headmelted.
- Using GNU Stow to manage your dotfiles