Gepard is a JUnit based test automation framework for Test Automation Engineers and for Software Engineers in Test, those can focus on writing the test cases instead of focusing on how to do data driven things, how to deal with parallel test executions, how to deal with end-user readable test reports etc.
What Gepard stands for:
- Core module of a Java/JUnit based test automation framework ( gepard-core ). Provides common approach for test automation engineers to use same framework from low level (class level) unit tests through service level tests up to and including UI/Functional tests. It provides common and reliable multi-threaded, multi-dimensional data driven test execution and reporting mechanism to build automated tests on it. Test Automation Experts can focus on test implementation, meanwhile all other work (data driven execution, proper scheduling and reporting) is done by this core module of the framework. Easily expandable (like for Selenium, Android native application test).
- Further modules:
- gepard-gherkin-jbehave: Example extension for using JBehave
- gepard-gherkin-cucumber: Example extension for using Cucumber
- gepard-selenium: Example extension for using Selenium
- gepard-rest: Example extension for using Gepard to test Rest services, and provides connection to Jira
- gepard-examples: Lot's of examples
- gepard-project-template: start your test project here
- Java JDK 8.
- Get gepard-project-template zip from Github release page, and read Gepard Users' Guide wiki page as starting point.
- To share your experience and ask questions, pls contact to the maintainers, or submit an issue.
- Get gepard-examples module from Git, and see example tests and tips there.
gradlew run
This will execute lots of example tests from gepard-examples module.
- Java JDK 8.
- Eclipse / IntelliJ
- Gradle, Checkstyle, Git Integration for the IDE
The project can be built by executing the following command from project root folder:
gradlew clean build
- Check the Wiki and Issues on GitHub
- Check further documentation at
Copyright 2013-2015 EPAM Systems
Gepard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Gepard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Gepard. If not, see
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