v2.0.0 introduces a new, custom, Item Media Presentation component for unified and streamlined presentation of images, IIIF-backed or static, with support for IIIF annotations, zoom, rotate and full screen.
What's Changed
- feat: add customisation options to PaginationNavInput component by @rwd in #2435
- feat: add scrollTo composable by @rwd in #2440
- feat: annotation list markup by @rwd in #2462
- feat: annotation-highlighting on click by @lbiedinger in #2474
- feat: custom media presentation component by @rwd in #2075
- feat: fetch and highlight IIIF annotations by @rwd in #2439
- feat: fullscreen refactor and fallback styles by @LeoniePeters in #2500
- feat: handle fulltext contains on anno search by @rwd in #2488
- feat: highlight annotation on hover/from search by @LeoniePeters in #2490
- feat: image viewer controls (zoom & fullscreen) by @lbiedinger in #2451
- feat: item media annotation search by @rwd in #2456
- feat: item media presentation sidebar with links tab by @LeoniePeters in #2437
- feat: lazy load thumbnail list elements using IntersectionObserver by @LeoniePeters in #2461
- feat: load thumbnail and full image after interaction by @LeoniePeters in #2454
- feat: media presentation for oEmbed by @rwd in #2453
- feat: rotate openlayers image by @rwd in #2491
- feat: show loading spinner while image loads by @rwd in #2484
- feat: show no results msg for anno search by @rwd in #2513
- feat: thumbnail bar for new media presentation by @lbiedinger in #2438
- feat: thumbnail fallback by @rwd in #2492
- feat: update item language selector by @LeoniePeters in #2480
- fix: activeTab add/remove hash by @rwd in #2509
- fix: check for service on resource by @rwd in #2502
- fix: check ImageBitMap support by @LeoniePeters in #2510
- fix: do not call renderFullIImage for IIIF image by @LeoniePeters in #2487
- fix: duplicate keys item thumbnails; skeleton height and width by @LeoniePeters in #2495
- fix: explicit EDM init by @rwd in #2469
- fix: fullscreen on ipad by @LeoniePeters in #2508
- fix: hide output message while fetching annotation search results by @LeoniePeters in #2519
- fix: item media switch missing event and prop syntax by @rwd in #2445
- fix: media viewer sidebars have reachable scrollbar by @LeoniePeters in #2496
- fix: mv ItemMediaPresentation client-only higher by @rwd in #2527
- fix: no scrollbar when loading spinner in media viewer by @LeoniePeters in #2528
- fix: nullish check on ol Map when highlighting by @rwd in #2512
- fix: only call renderImage once by @rwd in #2514
- fix: prevent circular reference when setting web resource preview by @LeoniePeters in #2497
- fix: prevent loading spinner layout-shifting image viewer by @LeoniePeters in #2531
- fix: resource data in item hero by @LeoniePeters in #2498
- fix: restore WR-level rights statement by @rwd in #2501
- fix: search textGranularity considers all canvases by @rwd in #2517
- fix: thumbnails from resource edm by @rwd in #2470
- fix: watch resources for thumbnails by @rwd in #2493
- fix: workaround to not have aria-expanded on searchbox by @LeoniePeters in #2434
- a11y: use output element for status messages search results by @LeoniePeters in #2518
- perf: item page head link preconnects by @rwd in #2465
- perf: preload essential stylesheets by @rwd in #2473
- perf: render item media presentation server-side by @rwd in #2523
- perf: use NuxtLink in ItemMediaThumbnail by @rwd in #2459
- refactor: add resource and service media classes by @rwd in #2467
- refactor: create useItemMediaPresentation composable by @rwd in #2452
- refactor: delay loading spinner display by @rwd in #2521
- refactor: don't store media on item page when IIIF by @rwd in #2446
- refactor: improve activeTab URL modifications by @rwd in #2503
- refactor: instant scroll on mounted by @rwd in #2448
- refactor: item media thumbnails aspect ratio by @LeoniePeters in #2447
- refactor: loading spinner configurable tag by @rwd in #2530
- refactor: loading spinner for static images only by @rwd in #2505
- refactor: loading spinner on initial IIIF image load by @rwd in #2516
- refactor: media viewer toolbar refactor and style update by @LeoniePeters in #2466
- refactor: model parsed IIIF as EDM WebResources by @rwd in #2432
- refactor: separate media error from fetch error by @rwd in #2515
- test: fix item page e2e test failures by @rwd in #2524
- test: mock nuxt fetchState in mounter by @rwd in #2471
- chore: add media viewer icons by @LeoniePeters in #2436
- chore: disable zoom on scroll by @LeoniePeters in #2449
- chore: enable openlayers accessible map by @LeoniePeters in #2441
- chore: handle presentation having no canvases by @rwd in #2463
- chore: light purple search highlights by @rwd in #2504
- chore: load full image notification by @LeoniePeters in #2489
- chore: media presentation error handling by @rwd in #2468
- chore: no target "_self" on anchor elements by @rwd in #2442
- chore: remove empty annotations by @rwd in #2506
- chore: render full image on active annotation or highlight by @LeoniePeters in #2481
- chore: render media viewer when fetch state is ready by @LeoniePeters in #2458
- chore: rm annotation list item data-qa by @rwd in #2507
- chore: rm Mirador by @rwd in #2482
- chore: rm redundant div around media card images by @rwd in #2443
- chore: title & heading for annotations tab by @rwd in #2450
- chore: unscope style in repeated components by @rwd in #2444
- chore: update github workflows artifact actions to v4 by @rwd in #2472
Full Changelog: v1.161.0...v2.0.0