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YACVM stands for Yet Another CLI VPN Manager
Do you have an AWS account and want your own VPN server, but you don't like infrastructure?
YACVM help you to Run your own private VPN server on AWS from scratch
- Built from scratch, no predefined images
- Completely private
- Secure enough
YACVM is a collection of open source tools such as Terraform, Terragrunt, Ansible, Docker and OpenVPN that are glued together by a Makefile and are always ready to provide you a full-fledged, enterprise grade VPN server.
- Docker installed on your machine
- Valid AWS Account and AWS Access keys
make config
make install
make vpnconfig elonmusk
My external IP address is changed and I can't connect to the server via SSH.
In this case the "make ping" command also will fail. Perform "make deploy" command to add your current IP address to AWS security group.