Doge NSP Updater alongside nut server brought to you by krptg and doge
This is a test fork, run at own risk of bork! Edited for the synology nas
Everything runs in Docker, no dependency needed (except Docker)
Code will be always up to date with latest commits from doge and nut
This is a test docker, so none of this is going to be maintained since this is based off an old commmit of nut.
Be sure to restart your docker when you add stuff, else doge/nut won't see the new files in your folders.
- Server in detached mode
- Server in detached mode with custom logins and passwords
- Check logs with (if in detached mode)
- Scrape CDN with a running container
- Using the application
- Parameters
- ENV variables
- Credits
Remove -d to have it running in attached mode
docker run --name doge \
-d \
-v $(pwd):/keys
-v /path/to/nsp:/nsp \
-p 6093:6093 \
-p 9000:9000
docker run --name doge \
-d \
-v $(pwd):/keys
-v /path/to/nsp:/nsp \
-p 6093:6093 \
-p 9000:9000
-e DOGE_USER=admin \
-e DOGE_PASSWD=admin \
-e NUT_USER=admin \
-e NUT_PASSWD=admin \
docker logs doge
docker exec -it doge python3 /doge/nut/nut.py -s --scrape
This scrape is outdated, don't do it.
Access the webui at http://<your IP>:6093
and login as (defaults) :
- login:
- password :
-v $(pwd):/keys
(Mandatory) - Uses current working directory to look for keys.txt-v /path/to/nsp:/nsp
(Mandatory) - Location to your NSP folder. NSPs files must be at the root of this folder. Additional Files (Updates/DLCs/Demo/NSX) must be as follow (by default) :- /nsp/base/* - NSPs files
- /nsp/updates/* - NSPs update files
- /nsp/dlc/* - NSPs DLC files
- /nsp/nsx_base/* - NSXs files
- /nsp/demo/* - NSPs demo files
(Optional) - Set Doge User : default todoge
(Optional) - Set Doge Password : default toDOGE
(Optional) - Set Nut User : default toAdMiN
(Optional) - Set Nut Password : default tonYsTIaNICHIm
If you use synology docker here's some screens to help ya'll Search exedox in registry and pick repository Once installed launch the image and follow the screens:
First box is the path to the nsp folders and the one to the right it stays /nsp