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V Rising Server on Linux

Runs a V Rising server on Linux using Wine in Docker. There are a few other similar projects on GitHub but none fit my requirements.


  • Built on Debian 12 for portability
  • Uses a non-root user for security
  • Only includes the necessary packages curl, wine, and xvfb to bootstrap
  • Simple Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files
  • One step deployment that creates a valid server on localhost
  • Stores Steam, the V Rising server, and V Rising data in separate volumes so each part can be updated independently


By default, the settings directory is empty. You should add a ServerGameSettings.json and ServerHostSettings.json to this directory to configure the server. If these files are missing then a PvP server will be created using the V Rising built-in defaults which is not recommended.

See the StunlockStudios/vrising-dedicated-server-instructions for more information on how to configure these settings.

Build and Deploy

Building the container and deploying the service is simple.


docker compose build


docker compose up

There is also a Makefile with shortcuts to these commands to build and deploy the server more easily.


To connect to the newly created server, go to Play -> Online Play -> PVP. Click the Direct Connect button in the bottom middle of the screen. Enter as the Server Game Name, and make sure LAN server is unchecked, then click the Connect button.