This project uses Ansible to bring up a work/dev environment in EC2.
A few requirements:
- EC2 account
- Ansible with euca2ools installed
- Setting up the previous to work
Please see [JPMen's] 1 and [Seth Vidal's] 2 work using Anisble and EC2 for background information, explanations, and more.
Disclaimer: This is an experiemental repo. Please use EC2 responsibly.
My idea of folder structure here is:
/root/ | - #script to just launch ec2 instances | - #script to orchestrate... ##should just be a playbook now that they can include playbooks | - #runs the above two scripts in order | | - bring-up/ | | - playbook to launch/tag ec2 instances | - server roll/ | | - configure-server-roll-playbook.yml | | - folder-1-playbook-todos/ | | | - setup.yml | | | - {tasks,files,handlers,templates,vars,...}/ | | - other-folders-or-deps...
A few commands I used tinkering:
- Make a key using: euca-create-keypair ec2-ans | tail -n+2 > key/ec2-ans.pem
- Test Startup cmd: euca-run-instances -k nx_box ami-f61630b3
- euca-run-instances -t m1.medium ami-f61630b3 -k ec2-ans -g apache-centos
- run any instance launching plays with -i inv/default so it starts with localhost: ansible-playbook -i inv/default instance_up.yml
- instance killer (requires ec2 tools): alias ec2-killall='ec2-describe-instances | grep INST | awk '''{print $2}''' | ec2-terminate-instances -' ([Seth's euca-terminate-instance tool is much better] 1)
- euca-create-group gname; euca-authorize gname -P proto -p port_number;
TODO phase 1:
- setup group allows fireball
- refactor to use fireball
- refactor installs, make grouplist
- Debugging Tools
- Development tools
- Scientific support
- TeX support
- Technical Writing
- X Window System
- Desktop
- refactor installs, add nx freenx to default list, make default list nx server list
TODO phase 2:
- Test bring up with list of items
- Add iptables firewall rule to allow tcp sport 5099 on all instances
- setup auth server
- allow multi nx servers to single auth server
- RDP and VNC for NX
- RDP windows
- refactor playbook folders and dependencies etc... respectively
TODO phase 3:
- tack at least two different linux compute box
- another yum probably amazon linux for now
- ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- maybe try a solaris variant
- when more than yum distros are deployed, we need 2+ update playbooks
TODO phase 4:
- render queue
- job queue