This is for my private use on my "REAL Retro Arcade Machine" project.
- RPi Zero W 2
- RPi Power Pack Hat Pro V1.1
- 2.4-2.8inch RPi Display MPI2418
- BT game controller
Do it with the Raspberry Pi Imager app
rm ./
wget | bash
bash ./
rm ./
Wait till file system expansion
Probably you must do the following on your Mac to connect .
ssh-keygen -R retropie.local
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ [email protected]
ssh retropie.local -lpi
Ones in Retropie, change pi's password
sudo passwd pi
mkdir /home/pi/bkp
sudo cp -r /boot /home/pi/bkp/boot
sudo cp -r /etc/rc.local /home/pi/bkp/rc.local
mkdir /home/pi/bin
# Install additional software
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y mc git cmake i2c-tools bc php-cli sox libsox-fmt-all
# Download Git repos
cd /home/pi/
mkdir repos
cd repos
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
# Run raspi-config
# - Enable i2c
# - Change ALL localizations
# - Select keyboard
sudo raspi-config
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/
- 199 bluetooth - Configure Bluetooth Devices
- Pair the BT controllers
- 206 emulationstation - EmulationStation - Frontend used by RetroPie
- 3 Swap A/B Buttons in ES (Currently: Default)
- 207 esthemes - Install themes for Emulation Station
- 78 Update or Uninstall pacdude/minijawn
While updating, you can open a second console an do the following
(Make sure to make repo public or it will not work.)
cd /home/pi/
git clone
cd /home/pi/repos/Mini-Arcade/files
cp -r roms /home/pi/RetroPie
cd /home/pi/repos/fbcp-ili9341
mkdir build
cd /home/pi/repos/fbcp-ili9341/build
rm -r /home/pi/repos/fbcp-ili9341/build/*
make -j
sudo /home/pi/repos/fbcp-ili9341/build/fbcp-ili9341
cd /home/pi/repos/fbcp-ili9341/build
rm -r /home/pi/repos/fbcp-ili9341/build/*
make -j
sudo /home/pi/repos/fbcp-ili9341/build/fbcp-ili9341
Start display driver at /etc/rc.local
sudo sed -i 's/exit 0$/sudo \/home\/pi\/repos\/fbcp-ili9341\/build\/fbcp-ili9341 \&\nexit 0/' /etc/rc.local
Copy config.txt (needs to be improved as example above)
cd /home/pi/repos/Mini-Arcade/
sudo cp /boot/config.txt /home/pi/bkp/config.txt.previous
sudo su -c 'sudo cat config.txt > /boot/config.txt'
DO NOT execute the setup after install Make sure GPIO pins for Joystick are connected
cd /home/pi/repos
bash GPIOnext/
gpionext set pins 12,16,18,22,36,37,38,40
sudo python3 /home/pi/repos/GPIOnext/ --pins 12,16,18,22,36,37,38,40
You can enable/disable GPIOnext by doing
gpionext stop
gpionext start
GPIOnext Flags
gpionext set combo_delay [#] - the delay in milliseconds to allow for combos to be pressed
default: gpionext set combo_delay 50
gpionext set pins [#,#,#|default] - the pins that gpionext will configure and watch
default: gpionext set pins default
example: gpionext set pins 3,5,38,40
gpionext set debounce [#] - the delay in milliseconds to allow for button debounce
default: gpionext set debounce 1
gpionext set pulldown [true|false] - set gpio pulldown resistors instead of pullup
default: gpionext set pulldown false
gpionext set debug [true|false] - write output to /home/pi/gpionext/logFile.txt
default: gpionext set debug false
gpionext set dev [true|false] - write output to console
default: gpionext set dev false
check if there is a I2C device;
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
i2cdump -y 1 0x62
0x62 is device address.
You can see:0x0A address register default value is 0xC0
i2cset -y 1 0x62 0x0A 0x00
Wake-up the device I2C function;
MODE register address 0x0A set to 0x00
i2cdump -y 1 0x62;
VCELL(cell voltage) address:0x02 - 0x03
PS: 0x62 is the device address of I2C device
(CW2015 power monitoring chip)
sudo i2cget -y 1 0x62 0x02 w
get the value 0xf82f; swap high and low byte to get 0x2ff8;
0x2ff8 converted to decimal number is 12280;
12280 * 305 = 3745400 uV
3745400/1000000 = 3.7454V
PS: 305 is a fixed value (Fix factor value);
- Read the integer part of the battery percentage;
sudo i2cget -y 1 0x62 0x4 b
the resulting value is 0x11;
Converted to 10 decimalism is 17, then the remaining capacity is 17%;
- Read the fractional part of the battery percentage
sudo i2cget -y 1 0x62 0x5 b
the resulting value is 0x95;
Converted to decimalism is 149;
Then the fractional part is 149/256 = 0.58;
So the chip estimated remaining capacity (percentage) is 17.58%.
Battery icon on top right