This is a compiler for Krug, written in D. Though KPD itself is quite old, so it wont compile most Krug programs anymore. The actual compiler for Krug can be found under the name Caasper.
Nothing is in working order, but some tests might run! The compiler still has a long way to go till it's stable-ish to run some actual programs.
You'll need a few bits of software to compile the compiler:
, - some D compilerclang
, - some C compilermake
- GNU make
$ xcode-select --install
$ curl -fsS | bash -s dmd
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ curl -fsS | bash -s dmd
$ git clone $ cd krug $ make $ $ ./krug b tests/x64_tests/fib.krug $ ./main $ $ ./krug e E0001 # explain error message E0001
For now let's have a nice simple hello world program! Note: this is not how the final language is intended to look, but rather how you would approach a hello world program in the compilers current state.
#module main
#{c_func, variadic}
func printf(str *u8) s32;
func main() {
printf(c"hello world\n");