I'm a SWE hailing from Portugal. If you came across this repo, you're either a very diligent recruiter 🔍 or kindred geek spirit 💻.
I'm happy to make your acquaitance either way :), however this is a personal space, where I warehouse some projects and useful (for me) stuff, and it is always in flux (always changing).
I'm still filling out GitHub from older hosting platforms. If you're still interested in seeing some of my work, I can help you out fellow recruiter:
I have a big count of repos. Mostly forked, and actually untouched. They were forked for learning purposes, or because I found the original repo to be a 'snow-flake'.
My repos are those pinned. Let's start there:
portfolio -- this is a personal portfolio tracker which I'm fleshing out in my spare time. It is very in an early stage, but the idea is to capture most of the decision-making process of investing and building a consiérge of sorts for the average person.
offsec -- this project is about cyber security. Security is a field which interests me, so I've forked many interesting repos of the field for further study. This repo, in particular offers common ways to get a reverse shell, and it's useful in CTF challenges, which I do from time to time.
- YAGE -- Yet Another Game Engine. It's a simple project, a toyish lib, for making 2d cross platform games. It's built upon SDL2 and most of the code is C++14.
When I wrote it, I did it with extensibility in mind, so I took full advantage (and actually abused a little) of CMake for project setup and GoogleTests for unit testing. It's fun, try it out!
space_nomad -- This is an attempt at an indie game, developed using YAGE. The idea is currently paused, due to a non-compete clause.
developer_helper -- this is a project for Win32 developers. I find that many people struggle with Win32, and I tried to offer an easier interface. This was used (partially) in products. It's meant as an include-like lib, quite like boost in a way. If you venture into it, keep in mind most of the implementation is actually in "common", to be easy to import into projects.
c-multithreaded-queue -- This is a synchronized queue that can be waited on by consumers, and writen to by producers. It's similar to Java's BlockingQueue.
sysadmin-utils -- I used to keep a lot of servers, so I wrote a couple of scripts to ease my day-to-day. Come in handy from time to time.
cook -- A repository that I created to teach a friend about git. Now we'll be filling it with recipes to share with family and friends. In git. Why the hell not?!
Some stats
I've recently found that I like to do some challenges online. So, from time to time, I load up some LeetCode or HackerRank and do a challenge or a cert. Here's some data about that, if that is something you care about.
Latest LeetCode stats and HackerRank Certs