Project for BossaBox Interview.
1 - First, download MongoDB (
2 - Download Robo 3T formerly know as Robomongo ( This tool allow you access and interact with all mongo collections.
3 - Clone project:
git clone
4 - Getting inside "express-mongo-jwt" directory.
5 - Run "npm install" to download all project dependencies.
6 - Start mongo server with "mongod" command.
7 - Test app with "npm test". This command will perform all test/*.js tests cases.
8 - Finally, start the server: "npm start"
Access http://localhost:3000/api-docs to access swagger docs.
This docs follow Swagger documentantion OAS 2.0 (
Please, check the follow link ( to see how this project was built.
Here you can access issues (
I prefer to use the VS Code IDE. How to configure debug mode? When you hit "f5", vscode will automatically start the server. You should set initial file in launch.js config. Please check link:
1 - Change DB_HOST value on ".env"
Ps.: To see docker container IP, execute: "docker inspect | grep "IPAdress""
2 - The "Dockerfile" is set to download 2 images(node and mongo, please see "FROM"). Execute command "docker build -t /node-app ."
This command will perform docker tasks to create mongo and node images.
3 - Execute "docker images" to see all the images.
4 - Run mongo container: "docker run -p 27017:27017 -d mongo"
5 - And run app container: "docker run -p 3000:3000 -d /node-app"
6 - Now, you can access "http://localhost:3000/api-docs"
Feel free to comment. @fr3d3rico