This project is a microservice Node.js simulation that uses Docker to compose multiple services. The services include MongoDB, Nginx servers, and various Node.js services for ride-sharing and communication. The project is designed to simulate a distributed system with services running in different locations.
Once the services are up and running, you can access them via the specified ports. For example, the communication services are accessible on port 8080.
- database-mongodb: MongoDB database service.
- server-nginx-dhaka: Nginx server for Dhaka, depends on ride-sharing and rating services.
- server-nginx-ctg: Nginx server for Chittagong, depends on ride-sharing and rating services.
- service-rating: Service for handling ratings, depends on MongoDB.
- service-communication-dhaka: Communication service for Dhaka, accessible on port 8080.
- service-communication-ctg: Communication service for Chittagong, accessible on port 8080.
- service-ride-sharing-dhaka: Ride-sharing service for Dhaka, depends on the communication service.
- service-ride-sharing-ctg: Ride-sharing service for Chittagong, depends on the communication service.
The services are connected through a custom Docker network named network-distributed-systems-project
with a subnet of
- data: Persistent storage for MongoDB data.