Project gras-global
- gra-server: "Gematik Reference Authorization Server"
is (together with the idp-server) a reference implementation of a eRezept Authorization Server
- gras-testsuite: Testsuite for a Relying Party (i.e. the gra-server)
To quickly check your build environment do in project root:
mvn clean package
or skip unit tests:
mvn clean package -Dskip.unittests
Assume the entity statement to be tested is under
- edit the tiger-external.yaml and replace "localhost:443" in line 17 with the host and the port of your server (
- Alternatively, you can simply start the gra-server (part of this project) to check test environment.
- edit the tiger-external.yaml and replace ".well-known/openid-federation" in line 20 with the path of your entity statement (i.e.oidc/.well-known/openid-federation)
- open a shell and enter
The keys
are added for unit tests only and can be published.
export TIGER_TESTENV_CFGFILE=tiger-external.yaml
mvn clean verify -Dskip.unittests=true -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@EntityStatement or @SignedJwks"
mvn clean verify -Dskip.unittests=true -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@EntityStatement or @EntityStatementJwks"
The difference between the two maven calls is: The first expects your server to use the optional " signed_jwks_uri" and the latter does not.