Easily figure out when everyone on your team is free to meet based on the courses they are taking.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Setup the database
# Create config files
cp env.template.py env.py
cp docker/.template.env docker/.env
# Edit the config files with the necessary postgres credentials
# Create and start the database container
sudo docker-compose up -d db
# Create the tables
sudo docker-compose exec db psql -d uvicscheduler -f /scripts/uvicscheduler.sql -U uvicscheduler
# Create and start the server container
# Leave out the -d option to see the console output as the server builds
sudo docker-compose up -d server
# Populate the database with course data
# Replace $DB_USER and $DB_PASSWORD with credentials
sudo docker-compose exec server python scraper.py --user $DB_USER --password $DB_PASSWORD
# To see other options for the scraper program:
# pipenv run python scraper.py --help
Run the app
sudo docker-compose up -d web