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This repo contains Cloud Formation templates and Terraform modules to prepare AWS accounts to run Giant Swarm clusters.

Cluster API

Before starting

Make sure to adjust AWS account limits according to these docs.

For Cluster API take a look at these two modules in this repository:

  1. admin-role which creates a role and a policy for our staff to be able to operate the infrastructure created by our automation in case of failures.
  2. capa-controller-role which creates the role and policies that the controllers assume to create and manage the kubernetes clusters.

1. admin-role

For all AWS accounts part of the platform Giant Swarm staff need to have access in order to debug and manage and operate the infrastructure. To do so, please use one of the following methods to create the necessary role and policy in your AWS account.

AWS CloudFormation template

You can execute the CloudFormation template directly by clicking the admin role stack template or uploading the template file when creating a new stack in the AWS console.

You will be asked for the following parameters:

  • AdminRoleName: The name of the role that will be created. Default is GiantSwarmAdmin. You dont need to change this unless you have a specific requirement.

Review the changes and click Create stack. In case of any error, please check the Events tab in the CloudFormation console and report the error to the Giant Swarm staff.



  • terraform installed
  • working AWS credentials set to the desired target account
  • AWS region has to be set either via aws profile or via env AWS_REGION

Adjust variables

  • admin_role_name - can be adjusted to be more strict and specify role name. You dent need to change this unless you have a specific requirement.


terraform init
terraform apply -var="admin_role_name=GiantSwarmAdmin

The created role ARN needs to be supplied to Giant Swarm.

2. capa-controller-role

In the AWS account where you plan to run the management cluster, you need to create a role that the Cluster API controllers will assume to create and manage workload clusters and all infrastructure resources.

AWS CloudFormation template

You can execute directly the CloudFormation template by clicking the capa controller role stack template or uploading the template file when creating a new stack in the AWS console.

You will be asked for the following parameters:

  • InstallationName: the name of the installation which you have agreed with Giant Swarm upfront.
  • ManagementClusterOidcProviderDomain: the domain name used by the MC OIDC provider. Normally irsa.<cluster-base-domain>.
  • ByoVpc (optional - defaults to false): if true, the CAPA role will be created without the permissions needed to manage VPCs

Review the changes and click Create stack. In case of any error, please check the Events tab in the CloudFormation console and report the error to the Giant Swarm staff.



  • terraform installed
  • working AWS credentials set to the desired target account
  • AWS region has to be set either via aws profile or via env AWS_REGION

Adjust variables

  • installation_name: the name of the installation which you have agreed with Giant Swarm upfront.
  • management_cluster_oidc_provider_domain: the domain name used by the MC OIDC provider. Normally irsa.<cluster-base-domain>.
  • byovpc (optional - defaults to false): if true, the CAPA role will be created without the permissions needed to manage VPCs


terraform init
terraform apply -var="installation_name=test" -var=""

Import existing resources

To update the policies of an existing role, you can run Terraform with the extra variable import_existing=true to import the resources into the state:

terraform init
terraform apply -var="installation_name=test" -var="" -var="import_existing=true"

AWS cli


  • awscli installed
  • jq installed
  • working AWS credentials set to the desired target account
  • located on the capa-controller-role directory of this git repo
  • user ${INSTALLATION}-capa-controller created in GiantSwarm root account 084190472784


# Optional: only set to true if this installation is going to be used exclusively to create WCs on existing VPCs and subnets
# export BYOVPC=true
# Optional: only set this to aws-cn if the installation is in China
# export AWS_PARTITION=aws-cn
chmod +x

warning: You may need to modify the trusted-entities.json to use aws-cn in the Principal field when using the China region.


chmod +x