The Python script to send SMS messages with twilio service.
Can be used together with Snort Alert Log Reader.
Main features:
- take input parameters as SMS text lines
- send SMS
NOTE: twilio account is required (trial account is OK as well).
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Python 2.7 (Python 2.6 is not supported)
CentOS 7 (tested)
Windows 10 (tested)
Download and copy files, set executable flag, create symlink (optional):
mkdir /opt/texting
cp /opt/texting/
cp -r cert /opt/texting/
cp -r lib /opt/texting/
chmod +x /opt/texting/
ln -s /opt/texting/ /opt/texting/texting
Log in to your twilio account, and find following information:
- phone number you will use to send SMS
- token
Open script for editing:
vim /opt/texting/
Update following variables:
- PHONE_NUMBERS - mobile number(s) to send SMS (sould be configured in twilio as well)
- FROM - twilio phone number
- SID - account SID
- TOKEN - twilio API token
Execute script with parameters and check the log file:
/opt/texting/ "first SMS line" "second line"
cat /var/log/alert_texting.log
The folder 'cert' contains twilio sertificate extracted from official twilio wheel package (twilio.conf).
- Dmitry Nikolaenya - texting code -
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.