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Releases: gpoore/minted


25 Nov 04:40
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  • pyproject.toml: explicitly set build-backend (#424).


18 Nov 04:50
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  • Replaced temp counter with a macro to prevent issues with commands
    and environments such as \text from amsmath that modify counter
    behavior (#423).

  • When highlightmode causes all code to be highlighted at once, duplicate
    highlighting is now detected and skipped.


13 Nov 04:47
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  • Fixed a bug in config detection that caused an error when a data file from
    LaTeX cannot be located.


11 Nov 03:35
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  • Fixed a bug from v3.2.0 that caused errors with unrestricted shell escape

  • Improved error messages mention the possibility of MiKTeX being used with
    -aux-directory or -output-directory without setting a
    TEXMF_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY environment variable (#419).

  • Updated documentation on shell escape for TeX Live. The latexminted
    executable has been added to TeX Live's list of trusted executables, so
    -shell-escape is no longer required.

  • Added support for fancyvrb options reflabel and vspace (#421).


30 Oct 01:34
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  • Added support for new keywords options (#416): extrakeywords,
    extrakeywordsconstant, extrakeywordsdeclaration,
    extrakeywordsnamespace, extrakeywordspseudo, extrakeywordsreserved,

  • Refactored version handling in to avoid unnecessary imports.

  • Improved .errlog.minted files. Improved layout and added traceback
    information for the origin in the LaTeX document. Fixed a bug that could
    cause .errlog.minted files to be deleted when they should be kept.
    .errlog.minted files now contain all error data from a compile,
    regardless of highlightmode setting. Previously, only the data from the
    last error was kept under some circumstances when highlightmode was not


30 Oct 02:00
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  • Fixed compatibility with \includeonly by replacing buffer length counters
    with macros (#414). As part of this, the minimum supported latex2pydata
    LaTeX package is now 0.3.0 and the minimum supported fvextra is now

  • Added new options that allow keywords to be added to a lexer (#416):
    extrakeywords, extrakeywordsconstant, extrakeywordsdeclaration,
    extrakeywordsnamespace, extrakeywordspseudo, extrakeywordsreserved,
    extrakeywordstype. This covers all keyword tokens supported by Pygments

  • Many performance improvements. When combined with latexrestricted
    v0.6.0, these can give a cumulative speedup of over 40% in the case when no
    code needs to be highlighted.

    • Temp files and the cache are now only cleaned up when necessary at the
      end of the document. Previously, this occurred at the end of each
      compile, unnecessarily increasing compile time.

    • In, switched from platform.system() to sys.platform
      for better performance in detecting operating system.

      Performance reference: python/cpython#95531.

    • In with TeX Live, the value of TEXMFOUTPUT is no
      longer retrieved with kpsewhich unless it is actually used. Also fixed
      a bug in parsing TEXMFOUTPUT value (whitespace is now stripped).

  • The debug package option now records shell escape commands in the log.

  • In config detection, error messages now mention .errlog.minted file when
    it exists.


08 Oct 03:58
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  • There is now only a single \read allocation for reading temporary files
    when highlightmode is set to fast or fastfirst. Previously, there
    was one allocation per temp file, which could cause allocation errors when
    several temp files were highlighted during the same compile (#413).


03 Oct 14:32
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  • All config data passed back to LaTeX is now processed with \detokenize

  • In a cache, *.index.minted files are now overwritten only when the data
    they contain is modified. This fixes compatibility with build tools

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent a cache from being fully cleaned when it is
    shared by multiple documents.

  • All file reading and writing for files received from/sent to LaTeX is now
    UTF-8 (#411).

  • The cache path is now processed correctly when it is an empty string,
    instead of resulting in an error, so the minted package will now function
    when cache=false.

  • Refactored the cleanfile subcommand into cleanconfig. This is more
    descriptive for actual usage and allows all subcommands to take the same

  • Added subcommand cleantemp, which only cleans temp files, not cache

  • All subcommands now take exactly the same arguments.

  • Added short summary and links to latexminted --version (#404).


03 Oct 19:50
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  • Fixed bugs in processing temporary files regardless of highlightmode from
    v3.1.0. With highlightmode=fastfirst (default), this would cause an
    error during the first compile, but then all subsequent compiles would
    complete correctly.


03 Oct 14:42
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  • All timestamp comparisons that are part of communicating with the
    latexminted Python executable now use timestamps that have been processed
    with \detokenize (#405).

  • Option processing now wraps values in curly braces to prevent escaping
    issues when options are passed on to other packages for further processing

  • Fixed compatibility with dvilualatex (#406).

  • Temporary files with common file extensions are now automatically detected
    and processed correctly regardless of highlightmode (#401). Previously,
    highlightmode=immediate was needed for working with temp files that are
    overwritten or deleted during compilation; the default
    highlightmode=fastfirst gave an error message during the first compile
    but worked correctly during subsequent compiles.

  • Fixed bug when cache=false. When caching is disabled, highlightmode is
    now set to immediate.

  • The minimum supported latexminted version is now 0.2.0. The new
    latexminted subcommand cleantemp is now used instead of clean when
    the cache does not require cleaning. This prevents errors when

  • Fixed docs for breakbeforeinrun and breakafterinrun (#408). These had
    not been properly updated after fvextra renamed the options.