For Linux:
-unzip the source code:
-install the following python packages:
1. sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3-pip
2. sudo pip3 install numpy
3. sudo pip3 install pandas
4. sudo pip3 install pyglet
install Gnuplot:
sudo apt-get install gnuplot-x11
go to the main folder of the SNS-Folder and start it with:
For development the IDE Pycharm is recommended:
For Windows/Linux/MacOs:
- unzip souce code
- install python3.6
- install pycharm
- run pycharm
- open swarm-world as a project
- Open File->Settings-"Project-Interpreter"
- Chose python3.6 as an interpreter
- Chose the plus sign and install:
- pip3
- numpy
- pandas
- pyglet
- press Okey
- wait until everything is installed
- chose Run->
- If it gives an error that it cannot find the interpretetor Open Run->"Edit Configuration" Chose the python3.6 as an interpretetor