Updated Cacher to support High Sierra. This version will not support the old version of Caching Service using the Server app. Cacher is a python script that will parse the OS X Caching Server debug logs and present you (to the best of its abilities) serving statistics.
High Sierra Apple Caching Log reporting
Some of the things Cacher can display:
- Total bandwidth served to clients
- Total bandwidth requested from Apple
- Total bandwidth requested from other Caching servers
- Total IP Addresses
- Total Unique IP Addresses.
- Total iOS download requests including model type
- Total OS download requests specified by type (iOS and macOS)
- Total applications downloaded from Apple Configurator 2 devices
- Total downloaded files
- Total eBook (.epub) files
- Total personal iCloud files
- Total package (.pkg) files
- Total iOS application (.ipad) files
- Total Zip (.zip) files
- Total unique downloaded files
- Total unique eBook (.epub) files
- Total unique personal iCloud files
- Total unique package (.pkg) files
- Total unique iOS application (.ipad) files
- Total unique Zip (.zip) files
Cacher currently supports 10.13
Usage: cacher.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Optional: Date to parse. Example: 2017-01-15.
--deviceids Optional: Use Device IDs (Ex: iPhone7,2). Defaults to:
--nostdout Optional: Do not print to standard out
--slackalert Optional: Use Slack
Optional: Slack Webhook URL. Requires Slack Option.
Optional: Slack username. Defaults to Cacher. Requires
Slack Option.
Optional: Slack channel. Can be username or channel
Ex. #channel or @username. Requires Slack Option.
--proxy=HTTP_PROXY Optional: Allows you to specify a proxy server if needed
to push the notifications.
--teamsalert Optional: Use Microsft Teams. Need to also specify a webhook
Optional: Allows you to push to Microsft Teams webhook.
The following are optional features:
sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AssetCache.plist Verbose -bool True
sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AssetCache.plist LogClientIdentity -bool True
AssetCacheManagerUtil reloadSettings
AssetCacheManagerUtil deactivate
AssetCacheManagerUtil activate
By default, Cacher will use look for logs from the previous date. To target logs from a custom date, use the --targetdate
cacher.py --targetdate "2016-11-28"
In this version of Cacher logs are collected by running the log command.
log show --predicate 'subsystem == "com.apple.AssetCache"' --debug --info
By default, Cacher will use the "Friendly Names" for iOS devices. To use the model Device ID, use the --deviceids
cacher.py --deviceids
Device IDs Example:
A total of 3513 iOS downloads were requested from the Caching Server yesterday consisting of:
A total of 4 Apple TV downloads
A total of 417 iPad downloads
A total of 3075 iPhone downloads
A total of 17 iPod downloads
4 AppleTV5,3
4 iPad2,1
7 iPad2,2
2 iPad2,3
5 iPad2,4
Friendly Names Example:
A total of 3513 iOS downloads were requested from the Caching Server yesterday consisting of:
A total of 4 Apple TV downloads
A total of 417 iPad downloads
A total of 3075 iPhone downloads
A total of 17 iPod downloads
4 5th Generation Apple TVs
5 iPad 2nd Generation [M2012 Wifi Revision]
2 iPad 2nd Generation [Wifi + CDMA]
7 iPad 2nd Generation [Wifi + GSM]
4 iPad 2nd Generation [Wifi]
By default, Cacher will print the results to standard out. To skip this use the --nostdout
cacher.py --nostdout
By default, Cacher will not send a server alert. To send a server alert, use the --slackalert
The slack alert requires two other options to be passed:
You can pass both an username or channel via the --slackchannel
A slack webhook must be created. To create a webhook, please go here
cacher.py --slackalert \
--slackchannel "@egomez" \
--slackwebhook "https://hooks.slack.com/services/YOURURL"``
A Microsoft Teams webhook must be created. To create, go to the three dots, Manage Team, add the Webhook from the store, and then copy the URL given.
This adds proxy support to Cacher. This just passes an option to the -x option in Curl, so this will support anything Curl supports.
cacher.py --proxy
It should also support authentication via
cacher.py --proxy http://username:[email protected]:8080/