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Update and simplify ual teleoperation
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franreal committed Oct 19, 2018
1 parent 9f36f8c commit 3de2902
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Showing 2 changed files with 61 additions and 126 deletions.
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions ual_teleop/launch/joy_teleop.launch
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@

<!-- This launch must be called inside ual namespace:
- from console, e.g: roslaunch ual_teleop joy_teleop.launch __ns:=uav_1
- from another launch, e.g: include with ns="uav_1"
<arg name="joy" default="js0"/>

<node name="joy_teleop" pkg="ual_teleop" type=""/>
<node name="joy_teleop" pkg="ual_teleop" type="" output="screen"
args="-joy_file=$(find ual_teleop)/config/saitek_p3200.yaml"/>

<!-- joy node -->
<node respawn="true" pkg="joy" type="joy_node" name="joy" >
<!-- joy node: Use namespace to avoid conflicts with simulate_safety_pilot -->
<node ns="ual_teleop" respawn="true" pkg="joy" type="joy_node" name="joy" >
<param name="dev" type="string" value="/dev/input/$(arg joy)" />
<param name="autorepeat_rate" value="5" />
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175 changes: 53 additions & 122 deletions ual_teleop/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,172 +1,103 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import yaml
import argparse
import rospy
import rospkg
import math
from joy_handle import JoyHandle, ButtonState
from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy
from enum import Enum
from uav_abstraction_layer.srv import TakeOff, Land, SetVelocity
from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistStamped
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
from std_msgs.msg import String
import PyKDL
from tf_conversions import posemath

gains = [0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.3, 1.8, 2.1, 2.5]

def update_button_state(prev_state, value):
if prev_state is ButtonState.UNKNOWN:
if value:
return ButtonState.PRESSED
return ButtonState.RELEASED
elif prev_state is ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED:
if value:
return ButtonState.PRESSED
return ButtonState.JUST_RELEASED
elif prev_state is ButtonState.PRESSED:
if value:
return ButtonState.PRESSED
return ButtonState.JUST_RELEASED
elif prev_state is ButtonState.JUST_RELEASED:
if value:
return ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED
return ButtonState.RELEASED
elif prev_state is ButtonState.RELEASED:
if value:
return ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED
return ButtonState.RELEASED
raise IOError("Unexpected button state")

class JoyHandle:

def __init__(self, config_file):
self.ros_data = Joy()
self.buttons_state = []
with open(config_file, 'r') as config:
self.layout = yaml.load(config)['joy_layout']

def update(self, data):
self.ros_data = data
# Update buttons
if len(self.ros_data.buttons) is not len(self.buttons_state):
self.buttons_state = [ButtonState.UNKNOWN] * len(self.ros_data.buttons)
for i, state in enumerate(self.buttons_state):
self.buttons_state[i] = update_button_state(state, self.ros_data.buttons[i])

# TODO(franreal): Study other interface functions like is_pressed(id)
def get_axis(self, id):
# TODO(franreal): Check id is an axis first?
if self.layout[id]['reversed']:
return -self.ros_data.axes[self.layout[id]['index']]
return self.ros_data.axes[self.layout[id]['index']]

def get_button(self, id):
# TODO(franreal): Check id is a button first?
return self.ros_data.buttons[self.layout[id]['index']]

def get_button_state(self, id):
# TODO(franreal): Check id is a button first?
return self.buttons_state[self.layout[id]['index']]

def __str__(self):
output = '---\n'
for button in ['a', 'b', 'x', 'y',
'left_shoulder', 'right_shoulder',
'left_trigger', 'right_trigger',
'select', 'start',
'left_thumb', 'right_thumb']:
output = output + button + ': ' + str(self.get_button_state(button)) + '\n'
for axis in ['left_analog_x', 'left_analog_y',
'right_analog_x', 'right_analog_y',
'dpad_x', 'dpad_y']:
output = output + axis + ': ' + str(self.get_axis(axis)) + '\n'
return output

class JoyTeleop:

def __init__(self, joy_file, robot_id):
def __init__(self, joy_file):
self.joy_handle = JoyHandle(joy_file)
take_off_url = robot_id + '/ual/take_off'
land_url = robot_id + '/ual/land'
velocity_url = robot_id + '/ual/set_velocity'
take_off_url = 'ual/take_off'
land_url = 'ual/land'
velocity_url = 'ual/set_velocity'
self.take_off = rospy.ServiceProxy(take_off_url, TakeOff) = rospy.ServiceProxy(land_url, Land)
self.velocity = rospy.ServiceProxy(velocity_url, SetVelocity)
self.velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher(velocity_url, TwistStamped, queue_size=1)
self.ual_state = String()
self.headless = True
self.ual_yaw = 0.0
self.gain_value = 2
self.uav_yaw = 0.0
self.gains_table = [0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.3, 1.8, 2.1, 2.5]
self.gain_index = 2

def state_callback(self, data):
self.ual_state = data

def motion_callback(self, data):
rot = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(data.pose.orientation.x, data.pose.orientation.y, data.pose.orientation.z, data.pose.orientation.w)
self.ual_yaw = rot.GetRPY()[2]
#print "Yaw = " + str(self.ual_yaw) # DEBUG
def pose_callback(self, data):
self.uav_yaw = 2.0 * math.atan2(data.pose.orientation.z, data.pose.orientation.w)

def joy_callback(self, data):
# print self.joy_handle # DEBUG
if self.joy_handle.get_button('left_shoulder'):
if self.joy_handle.get_button_state('x') is ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED and == 'LANDED':
print "TAKING OFF"
if self.joy_handle.get_button_state('x') is ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED and == 'LANDED_ARMED':
rospy.loginfo("Taking off")
self.take_off(2.0, False) # TODO(franreal): takeoff height?
if self.joy_handle.get_button_state('b') is ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED and == 'FLYING':
print "LANDING"
if self.joy_handle.get_button_state('b') is ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED and == 'FLYING_AUTO':

if self.headless == True and (self.joy_handle.get_button_state('right_shoulder') is ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED):
rospy.loginfo("Exiting headless mode")
self.headless = False
elif self.headless == False and (self.joy_handle.get_button_state('right_shoulder') is ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED):
rospy.loginfo("Entering headless mode")
self.headless = True

if self.joy_handle.get_button_state('left_trigger') is ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED:
self.gain_value = self.gain_value - 1 if self.gain_value > 0 else 0
print "SPEED LEVEL: " + str(self.gain_value)
self.gain_index = self.gain_index - 1 if self.gain_index > 0 else 0
rospy.loginfo("Speed level: %d", self.gain_index)
if self.joy_handle.get_button_state('right_trigger') is ButtonState.JUST_PRESSED:
self.gain_value = self.gain_value + 1 if self.gain_value < 6 else 6
print "SPEED LEVEL: " + str(self.gain_value)
max_index = len(self.gains_table) - 1
self.gain_index = self.gain_index + 1 if self.gain_index < max_index else max_index
rospy.loginfo("Speed level: %d", self.gain_index)

if == 'FLYING':
if == 'FLYING_AUTO':
vel_cmd = TwistStamped()
vel_cmd.header.stamp =
# TODO: Use frame_id = 'uav_1' in not-headless mode?
vel_cmd.header.frame_id = 'map'
if self.headless == True:
vel_cmd.twist.linear.x = 0.5 * gains[self.gain_value] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('right_analog_x') #NOTE: For ds4 controller X axis must be inverted
vel_cmd.twist.linear.y = 0.5 * gains[self.gain_value] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('right_analog_y')
vel_cmd.twist.linear.z = 0.2 * gains[self.gain_value] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('left_analog_y')
if self.headless:
vel_cmd.twist.linear.x = 0.5 * self.gains_table[self.gain_index] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('right_analog_x')
vel_cmd.twist.linear.y = 0.5 * self.gains_table[self.gain_index] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('right_analog_y')
vel_cmd.twist.linear.z = 0.2 * self.gains_table[self.gain_index] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('left_analog_y')
vel_cmd.twist.angular.z = -self.joy_handle.get_axis('left_analog_x')
x = 0.5 * gains[self.gain_value] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('right_analog_x') #NOTE: For ds4 controller X axis must be inverted
y = 0.5 * gains[self.gain_value] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('right_analog_y')
vel_cmd.twist.linear.x = (x*math.cos(self.ual_yaw) - y*math.sin(self.ual_yaw))
vel_cmd.twist.linear.y = (x*math.sin(self.ual_yaw) + y*math.cos(self.ual_yaw))
vel_cmd.twist.linear.z = 0.2 * gains[self.gain_value] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('left_analog_y')
x = 0.5 * self.gains_table[self.gain_index] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('right_analog_y')
y = -0.5 * self.gains_table[self.gain_index] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('right_analog_x')
vel_cmd.twist.linear.x = (x*math.cos(self.uav_yaw) - y*math.sin(self.uav_yaw))
vel_cmd.twist.linear.y = (x*math.sin(self.uav_yaw) + y*math.cos(self.uav_yaw))
vel_cmd.twist.linear.z = 0.2 * self.gains_table[self.gain_index] * self.joy_handle.get_axis('left_analog_y')
vel_cmd.twist.angular.z = -self.joy_handle.get_axis('left_analog_x')

def main():
# Parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Teleoperate ual with a joystick')
parser.add_argument('-joy_file', type=str, default=None,
help='Configuration yaml file describing joystick buttons mapping')
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
# utils.check_unknown_args(unknown)

rospy.init_node('joy_teleop', anonymous=True)
joy_file = rospkg.RosPack().get_path('ual_teleop') + '/config/saitek_p3200.yaml' # TODO(franreal): argument!
robot_id = 'uav_1' # TODO(franreal): argument!
teleop = JoyTeleop(joy_file, robot_id)
rospy.Subscriber(robot_id + '/ual/state', String, teleop.state_callback)
rospy.Subscriber(robot_id + '/ual/pose', PoseStamped, teleop.motion_callback) #TODO: Use ground truth
rospy.Subscriber('joy', Joy, teleop.joy_callback)

if args.joy_file is None:
default_joy_file = rospkg.RosPack().get_path('ual_teleop') + '/config/saitek_p3200.yaml'
rospy.loginfo("Using default joy map file [%s]", default_joy_file)
args.joy_file = default_joy_file
teleop = JoyTeleop(args.joy_file)

rospy.Subscriber('ual/state', String, teleop.state_callback)
rospy.Subscriber('ual/pose', PoseStamped, teleop.pose_callback) # TODO: Use ground truth
rospy.Subscriber('ual_teleop/joy', Joy, teleop.joy_callback)

if __name__ == '__main__':
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