A simple automated Wordpress blog with terraform and ansible.
The proposite project is create a multiple services in aws with terraform for a simple blog in Wordpress, with as services:
- Security Groups
- Load Balancer
- Auto-Scaling
- Lanch Template
- RDS + Generate a random database password
- EC2 with Mult-AZ
- Elasticache with a Memcached
- S3(Static website) + Cloudfront
- Wordpress
- Php
- Nginx
- Openssl Self Signed (Just Labs)
- Prometheus + Template
- Grafana
- Terraform.
- Account Valid Aws
With account created and validate, is recommended create a new user in IAM Service, with any name you wanted and any rules you need, after create a new user is generate a acess key id, acess key secret and password, save in a security place.
Before begin initialize a terraform provisioner you need configure in your sistem operation terminal service with this command.
aws configure
- Initialize terraform service
terraform init
- Generate a plan of terraform
terraform plan
- Apply all services in your aws account
terraform apply