The NBA Dream Team app will allow users to create a profile. In their profile, they will be able to create custom teams and define their favorite players.
404 - As a user I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault
500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault
landing page - As a user I want to see a sign in and sign up feature so that I can access my profile
sign up - As a user I want to sign up with an email, username, and password
sign in - As a user I want to be able to input my credentials (username and password) and be redirected to my profile
profile - As a user I want to be able to submit profile picture, and miscellaneous information about my username Here, I want to search for players and add them to one of my teams. I want my teams and favorite players to be featured here as well.
Add a competition mode where teams can compete against each other.
- See my profile
- Upload my profile picture
- Update my personal info
- Select players
- Add players to team
- Favorite players
- View team
- Edit team
- Renders the homepage
GET /signup
- Renders the signup form
POST /signup
- Renders signup form with en error if user login fails
- Redirects to /profile if user logs in
- body:
- username
- password
GET /login
- Renders the login form
POST /login
- Redirects to /profile if user logs in
- Renders login form with an error if user login fails
- body:
- username
- password
GET /logout
- Redirects to / after logout
GET /profile
- Renders profile page
GET /profile/edit
- Renders profile edit form
POST /profile/edit
- Redirects to /profile page if it's successful
- Renders profile edit form with an error if user fails
- body:
- imageUrl
- username
- password
- age
- country
- favTeam
- aboutMe
POST /profile/delete
- Deletes the user profile
- Redirects user to / if it's successful
- Renders profile edit form with an error if user fails
POST /upload
- Sets the user profile pic
- Redirects user to /profile if it's successful
- Renders profile edit form with an error if user fails
GET /profile/create-team
- Renders the create team form
POST /profile/create-team
- Creates a team and pushes it into user model
- Redirects to /profile if it's successful
- Renders create team form with an error if the user fails
POST /profile/:id/delete-team
- Deletes the team and every connected element
- Redirects to /profile if it's successful
- Renders profile page with an error if user fails
GET /profile/:id
- Renders team page if it's successful
- Redirects to /profile with an error if user fails
GET /profile/:id/edit-team
- Renders edit team form if it's successful
- Redirects to /profile with an error if user fails
POST /profile/:id/edit-team
- Updates the team element info
- Redirects to /profile if it's successful
- Redirects to /profile with an error if user fails
POST /upload/:id/team-logo
- Sets the team logo
- Redirects user to /profile if it's successful
- Renders edit team form with an error if user fails
GET /profile/add-player
- Renders add player form
POST /profile/add-player
- Fetches the player from the API
- Creates a player with the data coming from the API
- Pushes the player into user model
- Redirects to profile page
POST /profile/list-players
- Makes an API call with the name written in the input
- Renders add player page with the list if it's successful
- Shows error if user fails
User model
username: String
email: String
password: String
Player model
first_name: String
last_name: String
team_name: String
height_feet: Number
height_inches: Number
weight_pounds: Number
position: String
Team model
name: String
imageUrl: String
players: {
ref: 'Player'
type: ObjectId
} Deploy Link