This repository provides supplemental materials for the paper titled "The Spread of Wi-Fi Router Malware Revisited" by Hamdi Kavak et al. (2017) (see paper). The paper will appear in the 20th Communications and Networking Symposium, 2017.
Washington DC Router Locations
This is a re-distributed version of the original router data acquired from WiGLE. Each router is re-located Uniform(0,2pi) degrees direction and Uniform(0,45) meter distance. This file can be used to replicate paper results.
Attack rate results over time
This file contains attack rate progression reported in the paper for two weeks with 10 replications. For each time tick (5 minutes), 90% confidence interval values are calculated. This file can be used to replicate attack rate progression plot.
Network degrees
The following five files show network degrees for five redistributed version of the original WiGLE dataset. It is important to note that these degrees belong to the population of routers that are initially susceptible (non-recovered).