Copy all files into ~/.config/nvim
directory. Create one if you do not have it. Run nvim
in CLI, ignore warnings. In nvim, type command :PackerInstall
and follow the on screen instructions. Quit nvim with :q!
. Relaunch nvim and everything shall be set up.
Packer may not be installed automatically; in such case it needs to be installed manually. See parkcer.nvim. As of 17 Feb 2023, you can use the command
git clone --depth 1\
You may also use this snippet to install packer automatically.
To install this configuration, run the following commands in your terminal:
git clone --depth 1
cd mynvimconfig
Remember to type :PackerInstall
in nvim command mode.
Nvim version 0.8
Most Operation System have build in clipboard support.
For some that have not (arch linux), you may need to install clipboard manager like xclip
or xsel
Node.js and a github subscription.
See the nvim repo
Here are some quick guide for installing nvim.
brew install nvim
Use the package manager of your distribution.
It seems nvim lua tree-sitter auto downloading parsers is not working properly. Use :TSInstall <language-name>
to install parsers.
The nvim runtime path usually contains: