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zodiac - request signing

zodiac sits on top of tinfoil to provide a friendly interface for API servers and clients to implement request-signing.


zodiac will implement two protocols: a symmetric protocol called TSRP and an asymmetric protocol called TARP.


TSRP (Trivial Symmetric Request-signing Protocol) is an HMAC-based protocol similar to AWSv4; a chain of authenticated hashes is used to derive the message-signing key from the secret key, the current date, the key ID and the requested service. This key is used to sign the request (URI, query parameters, headers and a hash of the request body); the signature is added as a request header in addition to assorted metadata identifying the signing protocol, version and hash algorithms used. Once generated by the client, the signed request is sent to the server, which uses its copy of the secret key to perform the same signing algorithm and verifies that the two signatures match.


TARP (Trivial Asymmetric Request-signing Protocol) is a public-key protocol based on the EdDSA primitive (Edwards-curve digital signature algorithm). It is a work in progress.

Implementation and scope

All cryptographic primitives used are implemented in tinfoil; zodiac handles the semantics of the protocol (what a request is, how to format requests for signing, et cetera). zodiac does not implement key storage or retrieval.

In particular, any operation which may be sensitive to timing attacks (e.g., HMAC comparison) belongs in tinfoil, not here.



zodiac-core contains request-signing logic and types, including the canonical request representation (CRequest), but no protocol-specific logic. Rather than working with CRequests directly, usually one would use one of the interface packages below.

Types example:

-- | A canonical request for signing. Contains all data needed to generate
-- a ByteString which can be signed or verified.
data CRequest =
  CRequest {
      crMethod :: !CMethod
    , crURI :: !CURI
    , crQueryString :: !CQueryString
    -- | HOST header always required.
    , crHeaders :: !CHeaders
    , crPayload :: !CPayload
    } deriving (Show, Generic)


zodiac-tsrp contains logic for the Trivial Symmetric Request-signing Protocol. It wraps all cryptographic operations needed for handling keys, hashes and MACs.

Usage example:

import qualified Zodiac.TSRP.Key as Z

-- [ ... ]
  (keyId, secretKey) <- (,) <$> Z.genKeyId <*> Z.genSymmetricKey


zodiac-raw is a ByteString-based interface which accepts raw HTTP requests for signing/validation and gives back the same. This package uses hadron as an HTTP protocol library, providing types and parsers.

Usage example:

import           Zodiac.Raw

readAndAuthStdinRequest :: KeyId -> SymmetricKey -> IO ()
readAndAuthStdinRequest keyId secretKey = do
  bs <- BS.getContents -- read request from stdin
  now <- timestampRequest -- current time
  let ex = RequestExpiry 600 -- ten minutes
  authed <- authedRawRequest keyId secretKey ex bs now
  case authed of
    Left e -> T.putStrLn $ renderRequestError e
    Right ar -> BS.putStr ar

readAndVerifyStdinRequest :: KeyId -> SymmetricKey -> IO ()
readAndAuthStdinRequest keyId secretKey = do
  bs <- BS.getContents -- read request from stdin
  now <- timestampRequest -- current time
  verified <- verifyRawRequest keyId secretKey bs
  case verified of
    Verified -> T.putStrLn "good"
    NotVerified -> T.putStrLn "bad"
    VerificationError -> T.putStrLn "bad"


zodiac-http-client provides an interface to sign and verify http-client requests and give back Request objects which can be sent on to a TSRP or TARP server.

let req = def { -- [ ... whatever ... ]
  } in do
now <- timestampRequest -- now
let re = RequestExpiry 600 -- ten minutes
let authed = authedHttpClientRequest keyId symmetricKey re req now
v <- verifyHttpClientRequest keyId symmetricKey authed -- v == Verified


zodiac-export is a C library which provides bindings to the zodiac-raw Haskell package. It's intended for use where Haskell API clients aren't an option and interfaces to some other language (e.g., Python or C++) are needed.

This is a work in progress.


zodiac-cli is a command-line interface to signing and verification, designed for use in scripts (e.g., with curl).

Example usage:

export TSRP_KEY_ID="DWPXY16451eb6f287b4d6b46ec13e36607653b"
export TSRP_SECRET_KEY="LWTGZD89cf43bed574d6e6a54bf436b3a4ba8dc658973b85aa5bfc80f05e38e01d28d7"

cat > req <<EOF
GET /foo HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
User-Agent: curl/7.49.1
Accept: */*

cat req |\
    unix2dos |\
    tsrp authenticate -e 600 \
        > req-authed

# exits 0
cat req-authed | tsrp verify

Authenticating curl requests

As curl does not support writing a request to stdout or reading a request from stdin, this is a bit convoluted.

export TSRP_KEY_ID="DWPXY16451eb6f287b4d6b46ec13e36607653b"
export TSRP_SECRET_KEY="LWTGZD89cf43bed574d6e6a54bf436b3a4ba8dc658973b85aa5bfc80f05e38e01d28d7"

# Listen on port 8080, writing any data we receive to a file.
nc -l 8080 > request &

# Replace with your request path and options.
curl -XPOST -H "foo: bar" localhost:8080/some/path

# Sign the request and send it off; use your target host/port here.
cat request | \
  tsrp authenticate | \
  socat - > response


API request-signing utilities







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