- The application is written on the MVVM model, writing on this model is easy to maintain and redesign.
[x] Create Account
[x] Login
[x] Create notes
[x] See note detail
[x] See your own notes
[x] See other people's notes
[x] logout
* Login screen:
- User opens the application and sees the login screen.
- They enter their login information or can register a new account
- After successfully logging in, the user goes to the main screen displaying a list of notes.
- You can see the title and short description of the note.
* Choose A Note:
- Displays the content of the note, including name and description
* Create notes:
- User enters name and description of note.
- After entering the note name and content, press the create note button to create a new note.
* Return to Main Screen:
- Users will see their newly created article here.
* Settings screen:
- Users can view their basic information.
- If desired, users can log out of their account
- 1 hour to come up with UI design ideas
- 5 hours to code UI/UX and fix bugs
- 2 hours to write XCTest
- Add advanced functions such as
- forgot password, change password
- edit notes
- edit user profile
- Edit UI/UX to be more user-friendly and eye-catching
I still lack experience writing unit tests, in the future I will improve this skill