Official Implementation of MetaSapiens: Real-Time Neural Rendering with Efficiency-Aware Pruning and Accelerated Foveated Rendering (ASPLOS 2025)
- Clone the repo
git clone
Prepare Dataset
- Download from: Mip360
- Download the official preprocessed data from 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS): Tank&Temple and DeepBlending
- put the unzipped scene folders in FoV-3DGS/dataset
Prepare Dense 3DGS for pruning
- Original 3DGS: download from 3DGS
- Mini-Splatting-D: We provide our reprodeuced model of m360 bicycle here, for other scenes, you can reproduce using their code.
- move the dense model to the scene folder and name it "ms_d", structure under the folder should be like:
|-- cameras.json |-- cfg_args |-- chkpnt30000.pth |-- input.ply `-- point_cloud `-- iteration_30000 `-- point_cloud.ply
Prepare environment:
- We use docker:
# pull the docker (this is for x86 machine, for jetson you will need other prbuilt, see and find one that suitable for tour jetpack.) docker pull pytorch/pytorch:2.3.0-cuda11.8-cudnn8-devel # run docker bash ./ # go in to docker and install all submodules bash
- install some packages
pip install plyfile opencv-python matplotlib icecream apt-get update apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libglib2.0-0 -y
# we only leave bicycle, uncomment other scenes for batch test
The result will be stored in the scene folder.
The result will be in ./full_eval_results/ours-Q
- SM (Shared Model) FR: Generate + Measure the Layer-Wise Quality & FPS
# we only leave bicycle, uncomment other scenes for batch test
bash # generate SMFR
python3 # measure qulaity in each layer, result will be in ./layers_eval_results/naiveFR
bash #measure fps, result will be in ./fps
- MM (Multi-Model) FR : Generate + Measure the Layer-Wise Quality & FPS this one need LightGS for Pruning Multiple Models, we already include it in our repo
bash # analyze pnum of our model in each layer
cd ../LightGaussian
bash ./ # the result will be in ./MMFR/ours-Q
cd ../fov3dgs
python3 # measure qulaity in each layer, result will be in ./layers_eval_results/MMFR
bash ./ #measure fps, result will be in ./fps
- Our 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) related code is based on the work from 3DGS.
- Our Human Visual System (HVS) model code is adapted from the Perception library in Odak.