A Rails Engine for tracking your web traffic or other events.
Add this to your Gemfile and run the bundle
gem 'notches', '~> 0.7.1'
And then install and run the necessary migrations.
rake notches:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
Mount your engine at your desired location in config/routes.rb
mount Notches::Engine => '/notches'
To record hits include the notch pixel image at the bottom of your views.
<%= image_tag "/notches/hits/new.gif?url=#{request.url}" %>
For a URL:
Notches::Hit.joins(:url).where('url like ?', '/posts').count
For an IP:
Notches::Hit.joins(:ip).where('ip = ?', '').count
For a session id:
Notches::Hit.joins(:session).where('session_id = ?', 'abcd').count
For a date:
Notches::Hit.joins(:date).where('date = ?', Date.today).count
For a particular time of day:
Notches::Hit.joins(:time).where('time between ?', '09:00:00', '17:00:00').count
Or a user agent:
Notches::Hit.joins(:user_agent).where('user_agent like ?', '%Mobile%').count
To get a better idea of how Notches is setup check out the Notches::Hit model.
To record events make the following call:
Notches::Event.log(name: 'An event')
Events can have one or two optional scopes:
Notches::Event.log(name: 'An event', scope: 'A person')
Notches::Event.log(name: 'An event', scope: ['A person', 'An object'])
For a name:
Notches::Event.joins(:name).where('name = ?', 'An event').count
For a name and scope:
Notches::Event.joins(:name, :scope).where(
'name = ? and scopes.primary = ? and scopes.secondary = ?',
'An event', 'A person', 'An object'